Omake: Christmas

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Peerage List:

Lucille - Queen
Kusara - Knight 1
Kara- Knight 2
Jade - Bishop 1
Irene: Bishop 2
Rose - Rook 1
Eva - Rook 2
Keith - Pawn 1
Grace - Pawn 2
Jada- Pawn 3
Ni/Li- Pawn 4/5
Amber- Pawn 6
Zoe- Pawn 7
Mina- Pawn 8

Your Weapons: Trinity and Frenzy



(Y/N): Is everything alright!

You ran into the room after you heard a loud crash. Amber was laying on the ground as pots and pans surrounded her.

Amber: Yeah...

(Y/N): Are you sure?

Amber: I think I twisted my ankle.

(Y/N): Here, let me help you up.

You pick her up and take her to her room, princess style. The entire way there Amber's face was a crimson red.

Amber: This is a dream come true for me.

You set her down in her bed as you called for Jade to come heal her. Her ankle wasn't badly injured so it wouldn't take long.

Jade: I'm here, what's wrong?

(Y/N): She injured her ankle.

Jade opens her book and begins healing her while you stand back and watch.

Amber: It feels amazing, thank you, Jade

Jade: Anytime.

As you watched the nice interaction, you thought about what day it was today.

(Y/N): Christmas eve... I hope we get all the decorations set up in time. This time of year came by so fast.

Anubis: (Y/N)! I need your help!

(Y/N): Coming! I need to go help Anubis, I'll see you both later. Take care Amber.

You run off to go help Anubis at Jade turns to Amber

Jade: Hey Amber.

Amber: Hmm?

Jade: You like him don't you?

Amber: WHA-


(Y/N): What do you need Anubis.

Anubis: I had an idea for a fun Christmas eve game, I need you to gather everyone here!

(Y/N): If you say so

You reached out to all of them through magic, eventually 1 by 1 they all gather in the living room. A lot of confused looks on their faces.

Anubis: First of all, Kusara and Keith.

Kusara: Yeah?

Anubis: You guys are excused from this game. You get to watch.

Keith: Awesome.

Kusara and Keith fist bump and make themselves comfy on the couch.

Anubis: Now with that out of the way, (Y/N) please leave the room for a second. I need to explain the rules to all the girls separately.

(Y/N): Alright, i'll be back then?

You leave the room for a few minutes, waiting for Anubis to finish his explaining.


Anubis: Come back in (Y/N).

You walk back into the room, an ominous aura can be sensed in the room. What did you miss?

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