Part 30

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Before you or your peerage had time to react, a red teleportation circle appeared below you. You tried to jump out of it but your effort was in vain. All you could do was take a look at your surroundings. Around you was nothing but emptiness. The only sign of anything around you was a giant golden bubble, protecting you from whatever laid outside.

(Y/N): Where are we!

Lucifer: Welcome to the void world, you might know it as the dimensional gap. There's no teleporting out of here with your magic (Y/N), this will your resting place.

All you could do was stare at the man in anger, this was a trap. You beat him here then are stuck here, or don't do anything and have a chance to escape.

(Y/N): You Gremory's-

Lucifer: Will survive! As we always have, I won't let a god of house cats intervene with that.

(Y/N): I'll kill you here!

Lucifer: You can try.

Lucifer's aura spiked, you could feel the dense amounts of demonic aura coming off of him. You spiked your aura back at him as you summon your swords. The battle started quickly as you duck and weave bolts of red magic. Trying your best to close the gap, but he simply blasts you with spells and flies away.

Lucifer: Magic vs Melee won't work well in this arena, our arena can be endless!

You dodge more bolts of magic as you wrack your brain, what is there to do here. An idea crossed your mind as you dodged the onslaught.

(Y/N): When I'm done here Lucifer, I'm killing your sister once and for all.

And just like that, the onslaught stopped. The red demonic aura spiked and spiked as his hair almost levitated with the power. 

Lucifer: How dare you insult her!

(Y/N): That worked?

Lucifer: I'll kill you! I'll burn you to ash!

(Y/N): Are you... a siscon?

That send him over the edge, his hair spiked up as you felt him charge the familiar Gremory spell. Power of destruction charged up, but instead of firing it at you. It became one with Lucifer.

(Y/N): What is this?

Lucifer: DIE!

The power of destruction lucifer charged at you with blinding speeds, you dodge the punch as he hits the ground. But he quickly recovers and swings wildly at you. You could feel the power behind the punches. You manage to duck under a punch and kick him in his stomach, stopping the attack for a second as he gets sent a few feet back. He paused for a second as lightning began to chain off of him, sparking into the area around him.

Lucifer: ...

He charged at you again, this time delivering a punch through your stomach as you go flying backwards. You slid and slid as eventually your body grinded to a halt, you gasped for breath as you felt all the air leave your body. Lucifer was on you again in seconds though, the lightning out of control as he tries to punch your body on the ground. You roll out of the way and slice at him. Your sword connecting with his stomach, cutting straight through the shirt and gashing his stomach.

Lucifer: AGHH!

He stepped back as he clutched his stomach, the lightning lighting up the void as he was on his knees. You stumbled to your feet as you tried to finish him off. The lightning would not allow you near though, sparking everywhere as it grew more and more out of control.

(Y/N): You'll kill us both!

Lucifer: If that's what it takes!

The lightning whipped at you as you jumped back, what could you do? You racked your brain, anything to stop or get away from the crazed Gremory. Nothing came to mind though as hope slowly dwindled, was this it?

(Y/N): What a sad ending.

Fuorr: Not yet (Y/N).

A familiar voice rang in your ears as your hope quickly returned. 

(Y/N): F-Fuorr

Fuorr: Hold on (Y/N), let me try taking care of this.

Trinity glowed in your arms as you felt a golden aura wash over your body, you felt sage. A blanket of warmth washed over you as you once again stumbled to your feet. Behind you a golden lion materialized. 


The lion let out a roar as that golden aura washed towards the unhinged lucifer, covering his body as well and smothering the lightning. He laid on the ground as the aura did its best to take care of him.

Lucifer: No... not like this.

In the confusion of it all, he let off one more spell. The small red spell shot at you, connecting into your stomach. It pierced through you like a bullet, before you even noticed what happened you felt the blood gushing from your stomach.

Lucifer: Ha... I did it.

Sirzechs fell unconscious, a content smile on his face as Fuorr and his aura demateralizes. All you could do was fall to your knees. 

(Y/N): F-Fuorr?

Nothing. The Sword had no more glow to it as you felt empty in the void. All that was around you was an unconscious body and vast nothingness. You felt the cold, the emptiness. The feeling all too familiar.

(Y/N): I'm alone.

You fell forward off your knees, one hand catching your fall as your vision fades. You take one last look at Lucifer, the only sign of life being the rise and fall of his chest. 

(Y/N): Help... Me....

Your arms gave out as you fell forward. your vision fading as you willed yourself to stay awake, to stay conscious. Your efforts meant nothing though as slowly, everything faded to black.


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