Part 7

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Peerage List so Far:



You and your peerage were sitting around the table, across from you was one of the Great Satans, Serafall Levianthan. To say you were nervous was an understatement. Anubis stood off to the side behind you.

Serafall: It's nice to meet you (Y/N), I've heard a lot about you.

(Y/N): It's a pleasure to meet you too.

Serafall: Who are these lovely people.

(Y/N): This would be my peerage.

Serafall: Peerage? But how?

(Y/N): We can discuss that at another time, why are you here?

Serafall: I've come by for a couple of reasons, one of them is to let you know that it may not seem like it. But you have allies in the hells. I am one of them (Y/N), I know what that family did to you.

(Y/N): How do I know I can trust you?

Anubis perked up at that question

Anubis: Not only is Serafall here a longtime friend, but I can also tell when she is lying. Everything she has and will say is the truth I assure you. I'll make sure of that as well.

These words were comforting as you lowered your guard and allowed her to continue with what she was saying.

Serafall: Not only am I an ally, but I was also telling my peerage about this and one of them was so upset about what happened she demanded that I let her join you.

These words shocked you, a piece from one of the great Satans wanted to join you

(Y/N): May I meet her?

Serafall: Of Course.

A red circle appears near Serafall as a small girl appears out if it. She had a strange outfit on.  A lot of her clothes were a light color and she carried around a book almost as big as her.

Serafall: This is her, her name is Jade and I hope she can help you in your endeavors. This won't be a temporary thing either (Y/N). This girl will become a permanent piece.

Jade bows to you all before introducing herself.

Jade: As Serafall said, my Name is Jade. It's a pleasure to meet you all.

(Y/N): It's a pleasure to meet you too, do you have a sacred gear?

Serafall: Her book is her sacred gear, it grants her a special ability called Twilight Mending

(Y/N): Is that like Asia's healing ability?

Serafall: Yep, but it's stronger. The book also has a vast list of spells Grace here is working on mastering, I hope she can be of service to you.

(Y/N): I can't thank you enough.

Serafall: I know one way you can thank me!

(Y/N): Huh?

In a second Serafall was next to you, mere centimeters away from your cheek. Lucille and Jade's shock quickly turned to anger as Serafall's lips made contact with your cheek. She quickly jumps away and twirls as Jade giggles at her old master's attitude.

Serafall: Well I best be off, Jade.

Jade: Yes?

Serafall: Make sure to swing by and grab your stuff, my servants will have them all ready for you to pick up. Remember you're welcome back anytime.

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