Part 23

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Huge shoutout to @TimmyShadowKing for this amazing book cover. Go check out his account

Peerage List:

Lucille - Queen
Kusara - Knight 1
Kara - Knight 2
Jade - Bishop 1
Irene - Bishop 2
Rose - Rook 1
Eva - Rook 2
Keith - Pawn 1
Grace - Pawn 2
Jada - Pawn 3
Ni/Li - Pawn 4/5
Amber - Pawn 6
Zoe - Pawn 7
Mina - Pawn 8

Your Weapons: Trinity and Frenzy


You felt the sweat dripping from you're forehead. You and you're peerage have been training non-stop for the last week. The rating game against Rias is soon approaching and you needed everyone at their best. You ducked underneath a green arrow as you regain focus on your target.

Keith: Almost got you there (Y/N).

(Y/N): In you're dreams maybe!

Keith began firing an onslaught of arrows at you, watching as you are ducking and dodging over each one. Around you your peerage was all doing there own training to improve on there weaknesses.

(Y/N): I think that's enough for now Keith!

Keith: As you wish.

He put away his bow and picked up his remaining arrows.

(Y/N): You did good there.

You gave him a pat on the back and went over to the sides of the battlefield. On a few benches were plenty of towels and Water. You sit down and grab a bottle of water, thankfully still freezing cold thanks to something Anubis did to it.

???: You did well out there.

(Y/N): Huh?

You jumped back, swords at the ready as you saw a figure on the roof, just on the edge of the roof looking down on you. Everyone had noticed a new presence and had stopped their training to see who it was

(Y/N): Show yourself!

???: As you wish.

A girl suddenly descended from the roof, as she did you got a good glimpse of her. She had black hair and was wearing a black kimono, another nekomata stood before you.

(Y/N): Who are you?

Kuroka: My name is Kuroka.

(Y/N): You remind me of someone I know.

Kuroka: Koneko, I get that a lot, we are related after all!

(Y/N): Does that mean you are on their side?

Before she could answer a chain quickly wrapped itself around Kuroka, restraining her.

Kuroka: Hey now, i'm not sent here by them.

(Y/N): What do you want then?

Kuroka: You.

You could feel your cheeks heat up a little bit by that, the bluntness catching you off guard.

(Y/N): Why?

Before she could answer a loud stomping could be heard.

EG1: Sorry, we didn't notice her. We'll get her away now.

(Y/N): No it's fine, also don't worry about it. You guys are doing great!

EG2: Thank you sir.

The golems stomped away as you turned to Kuroka, still restrained by Eva. She glared at the girl as Eva glared at her right back.

(Y/N): So how do you know who I am?

Kuroka: I've seen you fight before and I just have to say you look really hot doing it.

(Y/N): Enough flattery, what do you want?

Kuroka: I understand you'll be having a rating game against Rias soon right?

(Y/N): That is correct.

Kuroka: Please save my sister!

(Y/N): Huh?

Kuroka: Rias has imprisoned her and forced her do stuff, she needs to be set free.

(Y/N): But Koneko-

Kuroka: Please!

You could see the desperation in her eyes. You could tell she was being genuine.

(Y/N): Fine, if she's on Rias's side tho I can't do much. But i'll at least give her a choice.

Tears began to slowly fall from Kuroka's eyes

Kuroka: I can't thank you enough.

(Y/N): Eva release her.

Eva releases the chain from around Kuroka as she charges at you.

(Y/N): Wait don-

Kuroka practically tackled you as she kept kissing your cheeks. Her lipstick getting everywhere as she overtaken with happiness.

Kuroka: Thankyouthankyouthankyou!

It would've kept going on if it wasn't for Lucille ripping her off of you. You'd never seen eve with so angry.

Lucille: That's enough of that, you should be going now.

Kuroka could sense the glares she was getting from all the girls. Instead of leaving though she had a different idea in mind

As Kusara and Keith were helping you up Kuroka suddenly skipped over to you.

Kuroka: here's an incentive for you to do this for me~

You suddenly felt something soft hit your lips. Looking down you see Kuroka's lips meeting yours. Her eyes closed and smiling into the kiss almost. This meant a lot to her. Before she could react Mina and Jada grabbed her off of you. Even more angry looks we're directed at her now.


Kuroka ignored them and turned to you

Kuroka: If you do this for me then you'll get more than just that!

Before you could respond Kuroka disappeared in a cloud of smoke, leaving everyone there confused and some very angry.

(Y/N): Wait how did she teleport in and out, only people me and Anubis all-

You turn to see Anubis standing by the door to the back of house, a huge smile on his face

(Y/N): Why do you do this.


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