Part 1

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???: Pathetic

You look up at your friends, well what were your friends.

(Y/N): Why...

You were on the ground, bloody and beaten. You were told you were to go on a mission to get a stray. Turned out the Gremory Peerage had different Ideas. You were blindsided by them. It hurt a lot, but what hurt the most was that Akeno helped them, the girl you had been dating for months.

(Y/N): I... Don't...

Issei: Understand? Well, it's simple. The girls including your girlfriend like me more.

He then walks up to Akeno and does something that broke your heart fully. He kissed Akeno, and she kissed back.

You wanted to cry and get mad at him, but he was way more stronger than you. He was the "chosen one" after all.

Rias: Now be a good servant and die.

Rias smiles at you as he teleports away.

(Y/N): *Why can't I have a nice life*

You were already on the verge of tears as the memory of you being recruited by Rias rushed in.


Dad: Useless

You were down on one knee as your parents abused you physically and emotionally. If you fought back or ran away. They would make the punishment worse. So you sat there and took it. Any time they had anger they took it out on you.

Later that night

You were getting ready to leave. You were sick and tired of the abuse and realized you had to run away. Tiptoeing through the house as not to wake up your parents. You managed to get outside to the edge of the forest. You take a sigh before hearing a noise behind you. You turn to see your dad standing there, gun in hand. You attempt to run into the forest but he managed to shoot you in the soldier.

Mom: Should we get him.

Dad: Nah, let him bleed.

You were gonna die but Rias came to rescue you.

Rias: Would you like another chance.

(Y/N): Huh?

Rias: I can save you, but you will serve me.

You look up to see a beautiful red-haired girl standing there with a black haired girl behind her. 

(Y/N): ... Sure.

Flashback end

(Y/N): Good times...

You sat there bleeding out in a way that was becoming way too familiar for you. 

(Y/N): So this it, being granted another chance *cough* just for it to be thrown in my face.

You felt your final breath approaching.

???: Not so fast.

(Y/N): It better not be some random red-haired girl.

You look up to see a human man, except the man had the head of a dog.

(Y/N): What... are you?

Anubis: I am Anubis, my child.

(Y/N): Anubis?

Anubis: The god of Death, me and my... colleagues have looked at what has happened and realized you don't deserve to die yet.

(Y/N): I guess...

Anubis: I know you don't trust me, but I need your help.

You try to crawl away but he teleports in front of you and grabs your hand by force.

A golden glow emits throughout yours and his body. You realize that all your wounds are healing. You feel that stabbing pain go away as you stand to your feet.

(Y/N): Why would you save me though, I'm weak.

Anubis: You're not weak, you're sacred gear is powerful if rightly harnessed. Allow me to train you, bring you to your full potential.

(Y/N): How do I know this time will be any different?

Anubis: Have the others been Egyptian gods?

(Y/N): ...

You were hesitant but couldn't help but grab onto that tiny bit of hope in the back of your mind.

(Y/N): Fine.

You put your hand on his hand as he teleports both of you away.


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