11. Painful

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"There aren't too many kids"

"Yeah, it's getting late, by the way."

They sat down on the grass near the big tree, and looked in front of them where the sun was setting.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked him, looking at him worriedly.

Jimin smiled, Taehyung was always like this, he always made sure that he was always okay. But they both knew that right now was not.

Jimin shook his head. Decided to be honest. Didn't have time for lying to his friends when it was too obvious.

"Did something happen again when you talked to Jin hyung?" Taehyung asked again when Jimin didn't reply to his first question. Jimin was looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him. The sun was setting.

Jimin hugged his knees, comforting himself. Trying his best not to tear up again. There was a little silence for a moment before Jimin decided to break it.

"D-" he cleared his throat. "D-do you remember when I told you that I didn't want to have a child?" He asked his friend calmly.

Taehyung swallowed his lump of his throat because this topic was too sensitive for Jimin. His father cheated on his mother and right now history was repeated on itself. So he just nodded slowly. Can't even say a word 'yes'

Jimin took that as a cue to continue. "It changed when Jungkook married me." He smiled sadly. "Like I always imagined what my child would look like. Is she/he has beautiful eyes as Jungkook's? Kissable lips? Pointed nose?" He chuckled to himself dryly.

"You don't need to say somethin-"

"Tae.." paused for a moment, then looked at his friend with teary eyes. "You know... you almost became an uncle?" He smiled a little.

The taller just knitted his eyebrows, not understanding what his friends wanted to deliver.

Jimin swallowed the lump in his throat. This is it, his dark and the worst secret will be revealed now. He faced his friend completely and he grabbed his friend's hands with his small shaky hands. "I-i'm sorry" he whispered painfully,


Jimin shook his head, stopping his friend to talk. "I'm s-sorry that I kept my secret to y-you". Then he broke down


"Did I forget something?" he whispered to himself... Feeling excited for some reason.

He was walking to the store to buy some decorations for his plan, well a beautiful plan for Jungkook that his husband will surely love.

"Ahh, balloo-"

"Jimin?" Jimin looked at the source of the voice, and immediately smiled once he spotted his older friend, Jin Hyung.

"Hyung!!" He waved his small hands in the air, making the alder chuckle at the adorable sight. "What are you doing here?"

"Just wanted to buy some toys for my nephew." Then he eyed his friend from head to toe. And it made him gasp. "Woow! You're glowing" he gasped once he was in front of Jimin

Jimin blushed at the sudden compliment and thanked his hyung.

"You too, hyung"

"What about some coffee?" The older person suggested.



"Jimin... You are totally glowing, what skin care did you use, huh?" He questions, can't take his eyes off of Jimin, 'cause Jimin is so gorgeous right now.

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