39. Everything

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Happy reading guys❗



Jungkook woke up with a smile plastered on his face, even though his eyes were still heavy with sleep.

You must wonder why. Well, the almighty Jeon Jimin just kissed him yesterday.

The memory of Jimin's kiss lingered like a sweet, intoxicating scent, making his heart flutter with a giddy joy.

He couldn't help but replay the moment in his mind, the feel of Jimin's soft lips against his, the warmth of his body pressed close.

He remembered how he had confessed his love to Jimin, his voice trembling with a mixture of nervousness and hope. But even though Jimin didn't do the same, it's okay for Jungkook, maybe Jimin wasn't ready yet to say it too.

He was in his kitchen, preparing his morning coffee, the aroma of freshly brewed beans filling the air.

He was shirtless, only wearing a pair of boxers, his sculpted body and inked arms on full display. He moved with an effortless grace, his muscles rippling with every movement that anyone who would see would probably drool at the sight.

A ping from his phone on the counter startled him. He glanced at it, a frown creasing his forehead as he saw an unknown number flashing on the screen.

He picked up his phone, his heart pounding with a strange mix of curiosity and apprehension.

He opened the message, his eyes widening in disbelief.

What the fuck was these?

It was a picture of Jimin, sitting on a park bench with another guy. They were laughing, their faces lit up with a shared joy. The guy looked familiar, but Jungkook couldn't place him.

Another ping. This time, it was a message. Jungkook's breath hitched as he read it.

"Jimin was hiding something from you. This time it's real. They were dating behind your back. The person with Jimin was Mingyu. Think about it well."

Jungkook's hand clenched around his phone, his knuckles turning white. He felt a surge of anger, not because he saw Jimin with someone else, but because he knew who had sent the message.


She was always trying to sabotage his relationship with Jimin, whispering doubts and insecurities into his ear. He had fallen for her tricks once, but he wouldn't let her do it again.

He knew Jimin wouldn't betray him. He had felt the depth of Jimin's love in the way he kissed him, in the way he looked at him and it's more than enough for him as an assurance.

He switched off his phone, his heart heavy with a mixture of anger and confusion. He needed to talk to Jimin, to clear the air, to reassure himself that the love they shared was real.

He knew that the picture and the message were just Nathalie's attempt to sow seeds of doubt, but he couldn't shake the feeling of unease.

He knew that small things mattered, that they could build up into something bigger, something that could tear them apart. He needed to face this head-on, to confront his fears and to trust Jimin.

He couldn't let Nathalie win.
Jimin's heart thumped a frantic rhythm against his ribs as he parked his car.  He was a bundle of nerves, a mix of excitement and apprehension swirling within him. 

Today was the day they were supposed to finalize the adoption papers for Minju, the little boy who had stolen his heart. 

He pictured the scene: Minju, his mom, and Jungkook, and him, a complete family, finally united.  His smile widened, a warmth spreading through him.

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