
43 1 0

WARNINGS: "Smoking" "death" "threats"

Daisy's POV:


The kitchen, spotless as it gleams from the rays of the sun through the windows. My mom enters with a bag of groceries. But, I noticed that she took a second.

As she set the bag on the counter, she took out a jug of orange juice. Then, the sound of a firecracker snaps and pops. My mother jumps out of her skin as she turns and screams, as she sees that every cabinet door and drawer has been opened.

It was a prank that both Adelaide and I pulled. Addy laughed like a maniac at the screen door. I laughed because of my mom's reaction.

My mother, was never really tough on me growing up. She was, but she wasn't. She did appreciate the prank, but she gave me a firm talking to about not scaring her like that, to whom which, I understood.

She sent me off to go and play, but I'might've' eavesdropped on the conversation that she is now having with Miss Constance Langdon, our next door neighbor, and Addy's mother.

Mom, "I want you to stay out of my house, do you understand?" Constance, "Can I smoke in here" My mom replies with firmness strong in her voice, "No." She then looks to my friend, "Adelaide, answer me, please?"

Addy, like an innocent child asks, "Can I pet your dog?" My mother remains stern, "No. I want you to stop coming into my house, opening things and telling me that I'm going to die." My father comes in on the conversation, "She said that?"

Constance, tried her best to reassure my parents by saying, "She says that to everybody." She turns to her daughter, "Addie, say you're sorry." Addy insists, "No. I didn't do anything wrong. They did it" My mom asks, "Who?" Addy explains, "The Mischief twins."

Mentions of the twins spark my curiosity and interest. Addy and I didn't see any twins, so why would she say that it was a pair of twins who did it? Addy continues to pester my mom by asking, "Can I pet your dog?"

Which leads to my mother's snap. She grabs Addy's face and demands her focus, "Adelaide, listen to me. I want you to stop coming in my house without my permission, am I clear?"

My dad thinks that my mom has gone too far, "Vivien" My mom continues to pursue, "Am I clear?" My friend quietly responds with, "Yes." My mom holds a face of relief, "Thank you."

My mom releases Addy, who goes to leave, but frantically tries to put Hallie, who bites her. My daddy shouts, "Hallie!" My mother, frantic, "Are you okay?" She asks my friend.

Addy stands there for a minute as her face darkens, "You shouldn't have done that." She exits, as does her mother, who is right behind her, but turns to look at my parents, "Sorry about all this."

She goes to my mom, with a tone of 'as-a-matter-of-fact,' "Touch my kid again, I'll break your goddamn arm." She looks to my father, "Tell that darling daughter of yours, Daisy, that she is welcome at my and Addy's house anytime." He looks to Constance, "I'll be sure to tell her." Constance leaves not too soon after that.

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