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WARNINGS: "Suicide attempt" "divorce" "depression"

Violet's POV:

Tate asks me in my bedroom, "Do you believe in ghosts?" I respond with a question, "Why are you asking me?" Tate, "I don't know. It can't all be shit, right?"

He seems confused about the subject as he looks to me, "There's gotta be someplace better, somewhere. For people like you, and Daisy, at least." I ask him, "Not you?"

Tate looks back to the book that he was currently reading, "Ever since you and Daisy got here, this is the better place."

Daisy's POV:

My mom and dad at opposite sides of the dinner table, eating away. I, like them was eating at one end of the table, while Violet was at the other, but she was the only one at the table, who was not eating, not moving an inch-I could've easily mistaken her for a statue.

Mom was sure to point it out, "You're not eating anything." It was like, ever since her suicide attempt, she has changed- she is no longer the Violet, the sister that I had grown up to know and love.

Now, Violet is just depressed and wants to be alone constantly. So distant from all of us, more so than when she was alive. Violet comes up with one of her responses, "I'm not hungry. Pretty stuffed on bullshit."

We were just told that our mother is not expecting just one child, but two-our mother is having twins. Violet remained upset about the subject, but I was always excited. There is to be four of us, as siblings: Violet, me, and the twins.

Dad, "Your mother and I know that you're upset. Maybe there's some things you want to talk about?" There goes Dad, playing the 'therapist' called on her again. It was truly no wonder why Violet wasn't as open about her issues with our parents.

Violet, "Like who I'm gonna live with after you get divorced?" I start to cry and our parents look at me, "You guys are getting divorced? You guys are going to separate Violet and I?"

Violet doesn't stop, "Is there a third option? 'Cause both of you, minus Daisy kind of make me want to kill myself. Is that what you guys are afraid of?" My mom rubs me in a way to comfort me.

I ask myself, 'Why am I so upset as to why my parents would be divorcing? Is this even really happening?' I don't think it really is happening, just because, Violet talks about it almost all the time.

Violet, "Why else would you want to try and actually deal with the problem?" Dad points out what he has been noticing with my sister, "You never leave your room. You barely eat. These are textbook signs of depression."

Dad, "We're very concerned, Vi. Your sister is too." Violet gets up from the table, "Look, you guys drag me and Daisy all the way out here to save our family. Then you decide to break up. You buy a house that we actually like. Then you tell us that you're selling it. Without even asking us what we want. So, fine. I'm depressed. But I'm not gonna off myself. So you can go back to your policy of benign neglect." She leaves the room.

And, now, I am the one picking at the leftovers of my food. My mother and father begin to fight...again. My father ends it with, "Do not screw up selling this house." I put my food in the sink, and I say, "I lost my appetite." I leave and go to my room.

I found Dad later, after I finished putting on my pajamas, to get ready for bed, "Daddy?" He looks at me as I continue to ask, "Are you and Mommy going to get a divorce?"

He looks at me with a look, one of sympathy, "Aww, honey." He picks me up as he carries me to my bedroom.

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