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No One's POV:

Hayden walks in on Nora sobbing, "Good god, woman. You've got to knock this shit off." Nora looks, almost insulted by what was just said to her, "I beg your pardon?"

Hayden clarifies, "The crying. You've got to get it under control. You're making me nuts" Nora still has not mentally put it together in her head, "I'm very confused. What are you doing in my house?"

Hayden clarifies once again, "I am stuck here like the others. Like you. We died in here, and for whatever reason, we can't leave." Nora sadly smiles, "What? Are you implying that you're dead?"

Hayden smiles, "I'm not implying it. I'm saying it. Yeah. Dead. Dead as disco" Nora is still struggling, "I don't understand" Hayden, "Of course you don't, honey. But you're not the only one."

Hayden, "There are other souls trapped in here. Innocent, beautiful souls, who never knew malice or anger. It's not fair that they're trapped in a place like this. It's heartbreaking."

Hayden, "Then there are others who are just in on the game. They're bitches. We linger here with the living. No rest for them. No rest for us. It's this place. It has a hold on us. But that's not all. There's a power in it."

Hayden, "A power we can use. We can make ourselves unknown. And when we really need it, we can make ourselves known. And I have such a need. Sometimes I vibrate with such rage it terrifies me."

Hayden, "I act out. If we're supposed to fix our issues, we never can. It doesn't stick." Nora, "What you're saying is madness. I'm not dead" Hayden, "Then how do you explain this, sweetheart?" Nora cries when she feels the back of her head, "What is that? Ugh"

Hayden, "Looks to me like an exit wound. My guess is you are a bullet. And by the looks of those clothes, it was a long time ago" Nora questions, "Why would I do such a thing?"

Nora, "Was it because of my baby? Where's my baby?" Hayden, "Did you lose your baby?" Nora nods her head rapidly, "Yes!" Hayden, "I lost mine, too. It was never born. It's in the backyard, with the rest of me."

Nora, "It's not fair" Hayden, "No, it's not. How come she gets to have two, and we don't get to have any?" Nora, "Who?" Hayden, "The bitch that stole your house-Vivien. She already has two daughters. And what do we have?"

Nora, "Heartache" Hayden, "She's having twins, you know. We should take those babies. One for you. One for me" Nora questions, "We could do that?" Hayden, "We'll have to. We might even take Daisy too."

Hayden, "After all, they've gotta have mothers. You can't raise a baby in the loony bin."

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