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WARNINGS: "Murder"

Daisy's POV:

Violet and I began to look at pictures together in her bedroom. There were ones of a little baby, the house when it was first built, and a couple: A man in a suit with brown hair, a woman beside him with blonde hair, who was carrying their baby.

I turn around as I saw Maria, the girl, whom was with me when the house was being invaded, "Look what he did to me," was all she said. She must've been reference to R. Franklin-the guy who murdered her and Gladys.

I hear Violet behind me say, "Go away!" She says that as she puts her hands on my shoulders to protect me.

-A little while later-

Knocking comes at Violet's door, and in walks Mom, "Can I come in?" We continue to look at the photos, "So, it looks like, uh, this guys' pretty serious about buying the house. I mean, we won't know officially until it's actually in escrow, but I wanted to talk to you guys about it."

Violet, "Well, then what?" Mom, "Then I think... you, Daisy and I will go stay with your Aunt Jo till we find a place." I ask, "What about Dad?" Mom, "Well, Dad still has patients, and..."

Mom, "I don't really know,sweethearts. We haven't figured it all out yet. This wasn't the way it was supposed to go, honeybees. Your dad and I really loved each other."

Violet, "How'd you know you loved him when you first met?" Mom, "Well, he was handsome and kind. But I don't know. The thing is, when you fall in love, it's kind of like you go crazy, and before you know it, the whole world looks different."

Mom, "And then you'll do anything for the other person. Why do you ask?" I knew Violet was probably talking about Tate, but she covers it up, "No reason."

I showed Mom the photo of the house, "Look at this" Mom's eyes widened with fascination, "Wow. That's the house." I smile, "Yeah" Violet, "When it was first built."

Mom looks at all of the stuff that we brought with us back from the attic, "Where'd you two find all this stuff?" Violet, "In the attic." I hand her another photo, "That's the original owners."

Violet, "Nora and Charles Montgomery."

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