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WARNINGS: mentions of death, committing suicide.

Daisy's POV:

We were driving over the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California on the way to our new house, far away from Boston.

The sunlight shows through the car windows as my daddy drove our car. My mommy, who was staring outside the window. My older sister, Violet, who is 15, and a goth, is sitting next to me in the backseat, with our six month old dog, Hallie.

Dad, "Isn't it beautiful?" Mom, "The light is different from Boston. Feels like I can see more. I thought it was supposed to be all foggy." Violet speaks up, "I need to go to the bathroom."

Dad refuses to pull over for Violet, "It's just a little while longer" Violet begins to beg, "I need to go" Daddy, "Where would you like me to pull over, sweetie-the Bay or the Pacific?"

Violet rolls her eyes and whispers to Hallie, "I bet if baby substitute had to shit you'd find somewhere." But, obviously, Mom heard her, "I don't like that word, Violet.

There was a beat of silence before Violet looked out the car's back window, "Thirteen hundred people have jumped off of this thing" she said, meaning the Golden Gate Bridge before she continued to speak, "At least that's what they think. They don't seem them all and they stopped counting right before a thousand. I looked it up. Twenty six of them survived. You know what all of them said was their first thought after they stepped off."

Violet smirks mischievously, then her eyes widen, "Oh shit" Our mother's discomfort makes Violet grin, "Kind of how I feel about this move."

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