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WARNINGS: "Murder" "Rape" "Stillborn baby" "Miscarriage"

Daisy's POV:

My mom screams, as Constance instructs her to breathe through the painful contractions. Mom, "I gotta get to the hospital!" Constance, "It's too late for that. You're already crowning."

Just as my father saw the twin boys, who died in this house, the powering of the house went out, and it became pitch black in the house, "Daddy, I'm scared." He holds me beside him, and comforts me.

Constance, "It's time" Candle's lit up the hallway, as my mom began to give birth to my new twin siblings. There was Dr. Charles, leading the operation.

Dad, "We have to get her out of here." Maria and Gladys were helping Charles with my mother's delivery. Constance slaps my dad, "Wake up. This house is trying to help. And, right now, you are in no position to refuse. Your wife needs you. So you better pull yourself together and get in there. For her."

Constance kept me by her side. Protecting me from the screams of my mother, and so that my father could help my mother in these times. My mother squeezed my dad's hand, as sweat ran down her face.

But then, Dr. Charles, "Your baby is stillborn." The child parented by my mother and father, sadly, passed away in my mother's womb. I hug Charles, and he side hugs me. He can't hug me, because his gloves are covered in my mother's blood.

I ask, "Is it a boy or a girl?" Mom, "Can I hold it?" It was good that Dr. Charles, Nora's husband, took the baby away, because I don't think my mother could've handled it-her baby dying, after she had a miscarriage not too long ago.

My mother started to scream again, as the second baby was well underway to being delivered. I hear the voices of Violet and a man down the hallway, "You're wrong. Tate's changed."

The man says, "Oh. When did he change? When he murdered me? When he murdered my boyfriend? Or did he change... when he raped your mother?"

If I had a drink, I would've spit it out, WHAT?! Tate raped my mother? Violet, "What? That's a lie" The man answers, "Is it? I think you're about to find out."

My mother screamed to no end's delight as my half sibling was coming. Charles, "Push! Push!" My mom, "It's ripping me apart!" My heart beats rapidly as I see my mom scream.

I then hear the cries of a baby, and long behold: there was the baby. The surviving one. My half sibling. But, my mother was still bleeding. They separated my mother from my half sibling, as Constance took the baby away, I followed her.

Constance washed my newborn sibling, and got him cleaned up. Moira was right there, admiring the baby. Moira puts her hand on my shoulder. Constance whispers, "Whats the matter with you?"

Moira, "He's the most beautiful baby I've ever seen." I have a new half brother! Constance, "From blood and pain comes perfection."

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