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WARNINGS: Death. Murder

Daisy's POV:

Daddy writes notes with the keys on the kitchen counter, as well as organizing papers on the counter as well.

I left him by himself, so that he could spend some time in his office.

I have so far not seen any sight of my mom or Violet, since the birth of my new brother.

Vivien's POV:

I just told Ben, "I want you to take Daisy and the baby and get out of this house" He tells me, "Your sister said she would take care of them. She's a good mother."

I tell him, "No, I don't want that" Ben, "What do you want?" I say, "I want to...envision you with that boy on your shoulders, walking down Newbury Street."

He asks me, "What about Violet? What about Daisy?" Violet appears, "I'm a teenage girl. Not exactly a cakewalk." Violet holds Daisy on her lap, as Dad ducks down to the two girls, "Violet. Daisy. What kind of father have I been?"

Ben, "You weren't eating. You weren't going to school. You were already gone, and I didn't get it." Violet, "I shut you out. I was afraid it would break you. I miss you so much."

Violet, "I was never getting into Harvard. But I saved you a shitload of money" Ben, "Yeah. You did." Violet, "You have to leave, Dad. Every minute you're in this house. You're in danger, and so is Daisy, and so is that baby."

Dad carries his bag in one hand, and the baby carrier in the other. I follow closely behind him. Then Hayden appears, "Where are you going, Ben? You didn't think I'd just let you leave?"

Dad, "Get out of my way, Hayden. I don't have time for your bullshit." Suddenly, someone tightens a rope around my father's neck, it was the people from before, when the house was invaded.

I screamed when I saw them, I grabbed the baby, and ran out of the house to Constance next door. Those people killed my father, and made his death look like an accident, they made it look like he killed himself.

I pounded on the door constantly, "Constance! Constance! Please help me!" She opens the door, and she cradles me in her arms, "Oh, honey. It will be okay. We'll figure it out."

I stayed with her for that night, and then we called my Aunt Jo, and I moved down to live with her in Florida. She is very nice, especially to take me in and raise me on such short notice.

After my sister killed herself with a drug overdose.

After my mom died during childbirth.

After Hayden, Bianca and her Halloween gang killed my father, and made it look like an accident. Made it look like he committed suicide. I still am Daisy, I just now, live in Florida, with my Aunt Jo, as my legal guardian. No mom. No dad. No sister. No brother.

Tate's POV:

Ever since the deaths of Violet, Vivien and Ben. With the baby gone. That means, that Daisy is gone too. Daisy now lives with her Aunt in Florida.

I blame them. I blame these people, for making Daisy leave this house. It's not fair! And it's not right! If it wasn't for that baby, Vivien would still be alive. If it wasn't for me, then Daisy would be here, living in this house. It is all my fault!

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