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WARNINGS: Eating cooked parts, like, pancreas.

Vivien's POV:

Constance comes over while I was on the phone. After I hung up the phone, I acknowledged her presence, "Hi, Constance. I'm so sorry about Adelaide. I've been meaning to make a condolence call, and I've just been."

Constance, "Moira tells me that you've been suffering terribly. That every time you leave the house, you're racked with violent morning sickness" I nod my head, agreeing with her.

Constance, "Well, you know, my mother always recommended a big platter of offla during the first trimester of pregnancy. She preferred pork."

I make sure to thank her, "Oh, well. How nice of you to think of me during this..." I didn't know how to describe my pregnancy, "I believe life is for the living, don't you?" She asks me.

She unwraps it, "Sweetbreads. Now these two are thymus glands. One from the heart, one from the throat. And this, is the pancreas. It's so good for mother and child." She begins to list off the benefits that would come if I ate this:

"Full of protein. Vitamin C. All the "B" Vitamins, and iron, and... speaking of which, how are your other babies? She was such a dear, sweet child and such a comfort to me when Addy passed. Daisy, the best yet, she brought me cookies earlier, she reminds me of Addy very much so. Daisy and her were such good friends."

I tell her, "Well, they've been very upset. Spending a lot of time in their rooms." Constance, "Sometimes children going through transition just need alone time."

I say, "Well, I, um, can't thank you enough for the "awful" She corrects me, "Offal." She wraps it back up, and looks to Moira, "Moira? Why don't you sauté these for Mrs. Harmon's lunch? Like, the way you used to do that for me before, remember?"

Moira, "I'd be happy to do that for Mrs. Harmon." Constance opens the door, "We need that baby. We need another sweet child around here." She leaves, and I still mourn for the sad woman.

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