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Daisy's POV:

We were interrupted, when Billie shouts, "He can't be here!" We all look at Tate. Violet and I, "Tate" Constance clarifies, "That's my boy." That's right, Tate is Constance's son.

Constance, from what I know has four children: Tate, who has to have been the oldest. Addy, who was her youngest- before her untimely and unfortunate death. She has Beau, who is up in the attic-but I have yet to meet her final child.

Constance, "That's Tate" Billie sees him, "I want to help" Billie, "You've helped enough" Constance whispers to him to leave, and he does.

I come back later, to join them, I hear Billie say, "...happened when America was known as the New World" Violet and me were bewildered, "What?" Violet, "Are you kidding? That's, like, 500 years ago."

Billie, "Spirits do not follow our physical laws. Nor are they affected by time. About the only thing they have in common with the living is their suffering."

Billie, "Regret... Pain... Loneliness."

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