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WARNINGS: Mentions of death in a household.

Daisy's POV:

The lady began to show us around the grand house. The foyer was epic with the beautiful soaring ceilings, and a grand staircase to top it all off.

The lady, who met us out front of the house began to talk, "It's the finest Queen Anne on the market. Venetian chandeliers, original moldings. The stained glass is some of the only of its kind that survived the great quake. As you can see, the previous owners really loved the place like a child. They restored everything?"

My mom secretly asks the lady something, and the lady responds to my mother in the same tone. We head into the kitchen, and it is absolutely beautiful with its looks of originality along with all the modern bells and whistles.

Marcy, "Do you cook?" Daddy, "Viv is a great cook. I got her cooking lessons a few years ago for her birthday and she ended up teaching the teacher a few things."

Marcy, "Cooking lessons. Romantic. You're a psychiatrist?" Daddy put me on his shoulders, "Psychologist. You said something on the phone about there being a study upstairs that I could use as a home office? I'm planning on seeing patients here so I can spend more time with the family."

Marcy, "How refreshing" Mom shakes her head. As I play with my hands on my daddy's head like a drum, Violet stares out of a window as she watches Hallie bark like crazy. I'm

My mom looks to my sister, "Violet, will you go see what's going on with Hallie?" Like the teenager she is, Violet rolls her eyes as she storms out of the room to check on Hallie.

Marcy then shows my mom, dad and I a gothic library. Marcy, "This is my favorite room in the house" My dad tried to whisper to my mother, "When I saw the pictures of this room online, I thought maybe you could use it as your music room."

Marcy sparks up, "You're a musician?" My mom, "I was" My dad speaks up, "She's a cellist. She played in the Boston philharmonic" My mother walked over to the wall, and Marcy takes notice, "Why did you quit?" My parents neglect to answer Marcy, as my dad places me on the ground.

I run to my mother, who smiles down at me, and holds my hand, she looks back to Marcy, "This wallpaper is coming off" My mom gently pulls the wallpaper off. It opened a small window, which was no bigger than a couple of postage stamps.

Mom, "I think there's a mural under here" Marcy,  "The last owners must have covered it up. They were modernists. Speaking of the last owners..." The topic becoming difficult for her to continue talking about, "Full disclosure requires me to tell you about what happened to them."

My mom's eyes widen, "Oh God." My mom covers my ears, "One of them didn't die in here, did they?" Marcy, "Yes, actually. Both of them." My mother continues to cover my ears, "Murder suicide. I sold them the house, too. Just the sweetest couple. You never know, I guess."

Daddy, "So that's why it's half the price of every other house in the neighborhood." Marcy, "I have a very nice painted lady not too far from here but you're going to get a third of the house for twice the price if you go that way."

My parents became unsure as my mother took her hands off of my ears. My sister comes in carrying our family dog. She asks Marcy, "Where did it happen?" Marcy, "The basement" she answers with confidence present in her voice.

Violet puts Hallie down as she pulls me in for a hug, one where I am facing our parents and Marcy, as her head falls upon my own, and her arms hug me from behind, a very sisterly pose, indeed. Violet grins as she announces, "We'll take it!"

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