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WARNINGS: "death"

Daisy's POV:

My mom was able to reach Violet on her cell phone, but immediately after that, my mom put me to bed, in my pajamas. I cried in my sleep that night, because no one took me trick-or-treating and I had a pretty Princess costume.


I went to school, like a normal day- but for Violet, she chose not to attend school today. My dad had a patient today, and my mother was planning to go to the grocery store today as well.

I suddenly realized that I haven't seen or heard from Addy lately, since before Halloween. I would like to go ask Mrs. Langdon about Addy today after school.

When I got home, I had my mom help me make some chocolate chip cookies. So I could bring them over to Mrs. Langdon. I rang the doorbell as I held the cookies.

Mrs. Langdon comes to the door, "Who is it?" She looks down at me, "Oh, it's you, Daisy dear, come on in." She invites me into the house, and I gladly accept her invitation.

I hold out the cookies to her, and she smiles, "What are these?" I say, "These are chocolate chip cookies. My mom and I made them." She smiles, "Well, thank you for bringing them over."

She says, "I would like for you to meet someone." I follow her to the kitchen, where a woman with curly blonde hair and in black business attire sat at Constance's kitchen table.

Constance, "This is Billie Dean, she is a medium." I smile as I shake hands with Billie, "Hi, Billie. It's nice to meet you. I'm Daisy. I live next door." She points to me and says, "You are Violet's sister." I respond with, "Yeah."

Billie, "There is someone who wants to speak with you. What do you know about Mary?" I was shocked because Mary was the name of my mother's mom, my grandmother. I was too shocked to answer, so I look to Constance, "Mrs. Langdon, do you know where Addy is? I haven't seen her or heard from her lately, and I'm worried about her."

She sat me down on her lap, and said, "Honey, Addy...she went to Heaven." My face turned down. My mother and father explained to me what those words meant. It means that Abby is no longer here in Earth.

My smile turns into sadness, but I did not want Constance to see me cry and mourn over the death of her daughter, so I say, "Oh...ok." She gets up and says, "Hang on a minute."

She comes back and there is a purple bunny in her hands, "It was Addy's before she went to Heaven. I know that not only would she feel better if you had this, but I would as well. Please, take it." I didn't want to disagree, so I took it, "Thank you."

I give her a hug, she returns it as we smile at each other before I leave her house to return to my own.

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