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WARNINGS: "affairs" "miscarriages"

Vivien's POV:

A lady with blonde hair and eyes that matched the blue of the Tiffany stained glass window came to look at the house, maybe she's interested in buying it.

Yes, we are selling this house! I can't live here, not when I'm expecting- and not what after my daughters and I went through.

She asks me, "Do you have children?" I smile and I nod my head, "Yep. I have two daughters. And actually, I'm pregnant at the moment." She smiles at me, "Pregnant? I had a child once." Her smile disappears and turns into a sad look.

-She then disappears-

I took the girls to look at a temporary studio apartment. It would be close enough so that the girls could still attend their schools.

Daisy's POV:

The lady showing us around leaves, Vi speaks up, "Glad we moved all the way to California since we could be totally anywhere." Mom answers with, "It has a certain..."

Violet, "You and Dad-both of you. You don't deal with anything. The affair, the miscarriage. For most people that's just life, and they deal. But you guys had to uproot everything, drag everyone across the country to start all over."

Mom, "Honey, I don't think you've quite processed what happened to us and your sister in that house. That was devastating. That was a nightmare."

Violet, "This place is the nightmare. I love our house. It's got soul. It's where you and I kicked some ass, Mom." I gently pull on my mom's hand and she looks at me, "I love our house too, Mommy."

Violet, "You say we were victims of something and there. I say that's the place where all of us in this room survived" Mom holds my hand, "I love that you both see it that way."

Mom, "I'm pregnant. I can't stay there. This is the decision that your father and I have made for our family together." Violet looks to the side, "Yeah. Whatever." I release my hand from my mother's.

Violet looks to Mom again, "But I'm telling you. You go ahead with this whacked-out plan, and I'm out of here. I will run away. And believe me- I know how to leave so that you will never leave me."

Violet walks out of the room, and that is when I got pissed at our mom, "You know, this could be the last time that we could ever be a family, and you plus Dad are completely ruining it. I hope you and him are very happy." I followed my sister out the door, but I look back at my mom, "If Violet runs away, then I'm blaming you and Dad."

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