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WARNINGS: "Death" "Murder"

Violet's POV:

Now, Tate has a son. Daisy and I have a new half brother. Ben has a stepson. My mom, has a new baby.

I look at Tate, who laid on my bed, "My mom is dead" Tate, "I'm so sorry. I know Daisy and you were close with her" I say, "Yeah. We were. My dad and sister are all alone down there now."

Tate, "That makes me sad. I love Daisy. I like your dad. He was nice to me. Your sister adored me." I say, "He's nice to all his patients. Daisy is just a sweetheart."

I add, "Even the ones who lie to him" he looks at me like I am nuts, "What?" I answer, "Why did you start seeing him in the first place? Constance thought you needed help." Tate, "I did. I do."

I say, "You knew you were dead" Tate had no choice but to truthfully answer me, "Yeah" I ask, "Do you know why?" He says, "The cops shot me. Right here in this room."

I ask again, "Why? Why did they shoot you?" Tate, "I don't know" I state, "You murdered people, Tate. Kids. Like us. The kids that came to us on Halloween."

Tate, "Why would I do that?" He sobs, "No. Why would I do that? I don't know" I continue, "Why'd you kill those guys who lived here before us? Why would you rape my mother?"

He continues to cry, "I'm sorry. I was different then" I say, "I used to think you were like me. You were attracted to the darkness. But, Tate, you are the darkness."

He shakes his head, "No. Before you, before Daisy. That's all there was. You both are the only light I've ever known. You both have changed me, Violet."

I rub his face, "I believe that. I love you, Tate. But, I can't forgive you. You have to pay for what you did. All the pain you caused. All the sorrow. You murdered my mother." He shakes his head, "No!" I yell, "You did!"

I state, "That baby-whatever it was-it killed her. I can't be with you. I won't be with you. Daisy won't either." Tate, "What are you saying?" I say, "I'm saying go away." Tate, "What? No, don't do this."

I repeat, "Go away, Tate" Tate, "You and Daisy are all I want! You're all I have!" I shout, "Go away!" When I open my eyes, he is gone. And, it is just me in my depressed bedroom.

My mom comforts me, "That was very brave. I'm proud of you" I cry, "Mom. I'm sorry, Mom. I'm sorry you had to die. I'm sorry you lost your baby. I'm sorry that you can't be with Daisy."

She says, "But I didn't lose my baby. I didn't lose Daisy."

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