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WARNINGS: "Committing suicide" "death"

Daisy's POV:

Mom is still not in the house.

Daddy feels like he is going crazy.

Violet has not attended school for 16 days now.

Moira-nowhere to be seen.

Constance has now been taken into custody, because she is a suspect in the'disappearance' of her toy, Travis.

I was curious, and I wanted to see what it was my dad was up to, so I went to his room, "Daddy...WHAT?!" I look and I see Tate, in a black rubber suit, the same suit... he was trying to kill my dad.

I was confused, and my mind felt like scrambled eggs, "Tate?" The guy, who I think the world of, is trying to kill my dad. I run down the hall and I yell the name of my sister, "Violet!"

I then hear the whispers of my sister and Tate, "You want us to commit suicide?" Tate, "Yeah. And I don't think there's enough in here to really, you know..."

Being with Tate lately, I've realized that he is not the guy that I thought I knew, "Did you hurt my dad?" Tate shouts, "No, I told you? I just knocked him out, so I could buy us some time! Listen to me, Violet. We can't get all chickenshit about this! We're running out of options!"

I could hear the sobs in my sister's tone, "Yeah. Okay. I get it."

I start to feel very depressed, it is like Tate is trying to have me end up with having no one in my life:

My mom is not here. He tried to kill my dad. Now, he is trying to have a 'Romeo and Juliet' moment with my sister, particularly, the death scene. Addy is gone. Moira, nowhere to be seen- and Constance is gone as well. I feel like I have nobody.

My sister and I run into each other, while she is screaming, "Help! Dad!" With Tate running after her, she picks me up and I cry, "Violet! The monster is chasing us!" The monster meaning Tate.

She comforts me while running, "It's okay. He is not going to hurt you. I will not let him." She tried to run us out of the house, only to have us appear in the houses' kitchen.

Tate was right there in front of us. I point at him, and I scream with tears running down my face with fear, "Ahhh! Monster! Monster! Daddy!" I was hoping that this was all a nightmare, and that I was going to wake up soon.

...But that could not have been farther from the truth...

Violet was just as confused as I was, "What's happening? What did you do to me?" Tate was still talking about wanting to go through with the whole 'death thing' with my sister.

Violet, "Dad! Where are you? Help us!" Tate, "Violet. Daisy. Stop running!" We tried to go out the same way, only to come back in the same way as well. We tried it again and again, but it did not work at all.

Violet begins to cry and sob, it was really upsetting to witness, "Please, Tate, please. I don't want to die" Tate, "It's too late for that" Violet begins to pant, but I was really confused?

She cradles me in her arms and in her lap. Tate sits at our height, "Violet. Listen to me." Violet, "Why am I running around, carrying my sister like a crazy person? Did you drug me?"

Tate, "I'm not going to hurt either of you. I have to show you something. And then you both are free to go wherever you want. I promise I won't stop either of you. You guys have to trust me."

I say to him, "It's kind of too late for that." But, I did not have a choice in the matter. Violet sets me down and stands up. We hold hands and we follow Tate down to the basement.

Tate turns a light on, as we walk down a hallway. A cabinet hinges creak as he opens it. Violet, "I feel weird. I feel like I'm losing it." Tate crawls in first, and I felt uncomfortable as he helped me crawl in next, I then helped my sister crawl into the corridor.

It was very dark, as we crawled like the people in the army. There were a lot of bugs in here, and it was completely disgusting. I chose to block those out, or else, I would've thrown up.

Violet screams, "Ahh! It's so disgusting down here." She couldn't have been more right, as we continued to follow Tate, who had the flashlight.

Violet sobs as Tate points the flashlight down...at her dead, decaying, rotting corpse. MY SISTER IS DEAD?!? I immediately wanted to panic, and I began to cry and sob even more, like my sister. I scream, "NOOO! VIOLET!!!"

I sob, "This is all my fault! I'm so sorry, Violet!" They both hug me, "No. Its not your fault. You have nothing to do with this." I look at them and I say, "How am I ever going to explain this to Dad?"

I cry into Tate, "Oh no!" Violet realizes, "I died when I took all those pills." Tate cries with me as he holds me, "I tried to save you. I did. I tried to make you throw them up. You threw up some. Not enough."

My sister has been dead since then? My sister hugs me as we wail together, "You took so many, Violet." My sister, dead. We were going to be each other's maid of honor, we were going to watch each other's children, when we became mothers.

Tate, "You died crying." That is the worst thing to hear, when my sister and I passed away, of course, I wanted my sister to be happy. Tate, "I held you. You were safe. You died...loved."

Violet, "I hardly feel anything." Tate, "I didn't want the both of you to find out this way. You, Daisy or your parents. I had this idea that if you chose to die, Violet. With me. You wouldn't be so sad. I never wanted you to see this."

Tate starts to whimper, "I'm so sorry, Violet. I'm so sorry, Daisy." We all share a group hug as we cry together.

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