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Constance's POV:

I walk into the house next door, and I see Moira cleaning the walls, "Where is she? Little slut" She looks at me, "Who?" I clarify, "Violet. She's been chatting around with my dog walker."

Moira, "Nonsense. That girl's taste in men is hardly refined, but I doubt it runs to rough trade" I say, "Well, when Travis came back from dog walking, a 15 minute affair that somehow stretched into 45- he smelled of something other than canine."

Moira defends Violet, "You're delusional. That girl, these girls wouldn't give your greasy boy toy a second glance. She thinks she's in love with your little angel. Daisy adores him as well, she thinks that he is her whole world."

Moira continues, "But once the truth comes out, I suspect that'll change" I was as confused as ever, "What the hell are you babbling about?" Moira states, "The two babies their mother is carrying. Only one of them was fathered by Dr. Harmon."

I was beside myself, so I went down to the basement to find Tate, "Tate, honey, it's Mama. I have to talk to you. Tate? Tate?" I called out to him again and again, as I have to get to the bottom of this whole 'Vivien-having-twin-babies' thing.

I have to say, my mind went insane when I found out from Moira that only one of the girls' soon-to-be siblings are being fathered by their dad, Ben Harmon.

Tate appears before me, "So talk" I grab him by the collar of his shirt, "Tell me it isn't true-what I've been hearing about you" He suffers from his own confusion with his question, "About what?"

I speak firmly, "Your behavior. God, after all the missteps, we finally have somebody in this house that maybe can help you. Tell me you did not crawl on top of that man's wife."

He doesn't answer me. He gives me a face. One that gives me the answer that I was looking for.

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