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WARNINGS: "Smell of death" "Murder" "PTSD" "Brain-eating" "Mentally unstable" "Mistress" "b***s"

Daisy's POV:

I wake up a little while later, to my mother shaking me, "Daisy, wake up. We are leaving this house now. We are going to stay at your Aunt Jo's."

We got our bags and left the house, "We don't have to be prisoners to this house anymore," is what my mom said, as she put the keys into the car's ignition to start up its engine.

In the back were Bianca's friends, this time with blood and the reeks of death all over them, "I know you, bitches," the man said as he looked to my mom and older sister.

We actually didn't leave the house that night, we attempted to leave, but the people freaked us out, so we stayed.

To this day... I wonder what sparked my mom's spontaneous moment to try and leave the house that night...

Ben's POV:

When the next morning arrived, Vivien told me everything, it was easy to say, that I was not at all thrilled by what I was hearing from Vivien, "I can't believe you were trying to take my daughters out of state."

I continue, "I won't let you do it, Vivien. I will not allow you to separate Violet and Daisy from me, or those babies." Vivien tries to reason with me, "You're missing the point, Ben. The people who tried to murder your wife and your eldest daughter were here last night."

I state, "The police say there was no evidence of anyone" Vivien shouts, "I know what the police said!" I continue to state, "They don't even think they're in California. There was a report of a similar home invasion in Wisconsin."

Vivien tries to reason with me, "They were six inches from my face, Ben" I stand firm, "You never fully dealt with this" She groans, "It makes sense that in times of stress you would feel this way, Vivien."

She freaks out, "I sweet to Christ-if you're about to diagnose me with post-traumatic shock syndrome, I am gonna bash your goddamn face in" I give, "Fine. Let's discuss the brain eating."

I continue, "Let's talk about the dangers of ingesting raw organs. Mad cow disease, Vivien. Have you ever heard of that?" Vivien, "If you don't believe me, go talk to your daughters. Violet and Daisy were there, too."

Vivien, "You know, you can't force us to stay in the state of California. You can't. Cause I'm getting out of this house. I am booking us tickets to Florida." I say, "I'll go to the courts if I have to. You're mentally unstable, Vivien."

I say, "You're seeing things" Vivien, "I'm seeing things." She says it with a tone of disbelief and sarcasm in a mix. Vivien, "You mean the way you were seeing your little 10-year-old mistress?"

I say, "You're being stupid" Vivien, "The only stupid thing that I did was not changing the alarm code after I kicked your ass out of here. Did you give it to her? Is that how she's been getting in here?"

I don't listen to her, "Vivien, you're coming unhinged" Vivien insists, "You never stopped seeing her. You went to Boston to see her, and one of your patients attacked us. Jesus, Ben."

I drew myself to a line of confusion, "What the hell are you saying?" Vivien, "You planned this whole thing with your little whore? Did you plan to gaslight me?" I am at the end of my rope, "Oh my god."

Vivien, "Did you plan to get rid of me, so that she could come in, and take my place?" I say, "This is crazy talk." She pulls out the black latex suit, "What is this?" My eyes widen, "Where did you get that?"

Vivien, "It was out somewhere so that I would see it. Did you tell her about our kinky night? Put it on for her?" I wanted to answer her honestly, but I have no memory of us having a 'kinky night,' really, ever since moving into the house.

I say to her, "Put it on? I threw this out months ago"-Which I did. Violet walks in with Daisy, "What's going on?" Violet asks. Vivien stood there with a mix of confusion and horror on her face.

Vivien, "Honey, would you please just tell your dad about last night?" I say to my eldest daughter, "Go on, honey. It's okay." Violet, "I saw Mom really upset" Vivien, "Just tell him what you saw. What you told the police."

Violet, "I told them what I thought you wanted me to tell them. I didn't see anything." And, in that one moment, Violet betrayed our mother, "Violet..." Violet, "I'm sorry, Mom. I don't know what you saw."

I couldn't believe what I was seeing in front of my own eyes, what I was hearing. Violet, "You were so upset, so I was upset. I still am. Daisy was frightened." I say, "I still am," I run out of the room crying.

Tate's POV:
I sat in the corner, hearing the whole conversation/argument Violet and my little princess had with their parents. The children had the conversation with them, while their parents had another argument earlier.

Hayden comes up to me, "Aw. Look at Little Lord Fauntleroy. Writing sorrowful sonnets in your head to that little nightingale bitch? "Adieu, nightingale. Thy plaintive anthem fades."

I correct her, "That's Keats" She snaps, "Who gives a shit? You're like a girl, sulking down here in the basement, instead of doing something about what's really bothering you." I honestly reply, "I'm tired of hurting people."

Hayden asks me, "Do you want her to go away? Do you want Daisy to go away? Your little princess?" She gives me puppy eyes to resemble Daisy, "Cause Vivien booked their tickets. I heard her. You know what you have to do."

I say, "Yeah. I do. I just have to prepare myself. It's not fun." I add something, "But, I could never do that to Daisy." She honestly looks at me and reply's with, "Oh, not to Daisy, hell no."

She changes the subject, "You want to fool around while you work your way up to it?" She sits on my lap, "Come on" I say, "I'm not into it." Hayden, "What is it about being dead that makes me so horny?"

She tries to kiss me, but I push her off, "Quit it. I'm in love" And, no, it's not who you all think it is with. Hayden shouts like the crazy bitch she is, "You better locate your balls before you go in there! That bitch is tough!"

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