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WARNINGS: Reenactment of a horrific murder.

Daisy's POV:


I decided to watch a movie with my mom in her bedroom, as I was not really in the mood to either be by myself or hang out with my sister.

I pet our dog, Hallie as we watched the movie. Then the doorbell rings. My mother gets up from the bed, looks to me and Hallie and says, "Stay here."

I obey, as she runs downstairs to answer the door, "Who is it?" I hear banging on the door, and my mommy yelling, "I'm going to get help. I'm going to call 911."

The banging on the door stopped, and my mother shouts, "Violet? Violet! Answer me!" Violet must've heard her and walked down the stairs for her to say, "How am I supposed to finish my homework if you keep interrupting?"

I didn't feel safe, so I crawled in a secret and well hidden crawl space and I stayed there, that was what my parents and my sister would've wanted me to do in a situation like this one.

I could hear the doorbell ring again, "Stop it! I am not letting you in this house!" My mother shouts, her fear, persistent as well. I decided to stay silent for my own safety and protection.

My mommy continues to shout, "I have called 911. The police are on their way!" I had to cover my ears and shut my eyes for what came next-the gasps and screams of my mother, coming from downstairs.

My guilty conscience alarming me inside that something bad is happening to my mother and sister. Mom, "I have money. Please, just take anything." I hear a feminine voice respond to the voice that belongs to my mother, "We're not here to rob you."

The same sounding voice continues, "The transcript was very clear. The nurses saw R. Franklin. He had nothing to hide." This voice sounded familiar-one that I have heard before.

Then I remembered! The voice belongs to the female patient that my dad has been trying to help treat. "Twelve minutes" The female patient, "Then the fun begins."

I just don't think her fun consists of braiding each other's hair and snuggling unicorns. "I have a surprise for you guys." I could hear her say to my mom and sister.

She continues, "Authenticated. It's the one he used to bash Maria." There must've been three others in there- the two females and a man, "You can feel the energy in this. This is bitchin."

Then the dark female voice is heard again, "Who goes first?" Putting two and two together in my head, they are probably thinking of killing my mom and sister-the same way that Franklin guy apparently killed those nurses-one being Maria.

I had to get help! I have to! But, I have no idea how to get help! I have to save my mom and sister. "Which one is Gladys?" Then I hear a voice that could be comforting to me in any situation, "Screw you, psycho. I'm not putting this on."

"You have to. Everything has to be perfect." "Take your clothes off" I hear screams coming from my mom and sister. The man must've hurt my sister-now, he is going to pay!

"Oh, you'll both be wearing uniforms. R. Franklin hated nurses. He had a bad experience with the mercury in a broken thermometer."

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