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Daisy's POV:

My dad is planning to pick up my mom, and release her from the 'crazy house.' My dad told us to pack our stuff, because my mom is planning to give birth at my Aunt Jo's house.

My mom refuses to go back to the house, but here, I am, with Billie Jean in the house while she examines the bad energy that we have here in the place, "So much pain here. So much longing and regret. Fear. Sadness. Guilt."

Constance adds, "And perversion. Now, can you ferret out the fairies for us? I mean, that's our main concern at the moment" Billie, "Targeting a particular spirit is going to be difficult."

Violet's goal concludes of getting rid of the spirits inside the house, at least the bad ones, that way that it could become a safe house for my parents and I. Billie, "This is a very crowded house."

Billie must've sensed that my sister is dead, because she and my sister shared a very strange look between one another- one that is full of understandings.

Constance, "So what can we do?" Billie, "Somehow, we have to try and dislodge them from the paramagnetic grip of this place. The evil. It's a force just like any other. Pure physics. Real and powerful. Created by events. Events that unleash psychic energy into the environment, where it's absorbed."

Billie, "Like the way a battery stores energy. You'll see it all the time in places like prisons or asylums. Negative energy feeds on trauma and pain. It draws those things to it."

Billie, "The force here in this house is larger than the many individual traumas. And it has a need. It wants to break through. It wants to move in our world. It's using those trapped between this world and the next as conduits."

Constance comments, "That's very interesting."

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