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WARNINGS: "Ouija boards" "Drug addicts" "Revenge" "kidnapping" "death"

Violet's POV:

Tate lays out a board of Ouija out in front of us, and he begins to tell me the story of the people who first owned this house, the people who built this place.

Tate, "Dr. Charles Montgomery built this house. And here, in this basement, is where he worked. Charles was a doctor to the stars, but he was also a drug addict. His wife, Nora wasn't gonna let that get in the way of her lifestyle. So she set up a little secret side business. He would take care of girls who didn't want to be in trouble anymore."

Tate, "This went on and on until one day. One girl couldn't keep the secret to herself, and she told her boyfriend what happened. The boyfriend wanted revenge, so he kidnapped Charles and Nora's baby. Terrified, the doctor and his wife waited for the ransom demands."

Tate, "Driven insane by his grief, the doctor used all his experience and surgical skills to try and cheat death. But what he created was ungodly and monstrous. She even after their tragic end that thing remained down here...to this day."

I look at him, "Oh my god. You are so full of shit. I don't believe you for a second. Forget it." I scoff, "Forget I ever asked."

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