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WARNINGS: "affair"

Daisy's POV:

After a day of learning, I returned home with my
sister, who proudly held my hand. We swung our hands back and forth.

When we came home, our dad was gone. He had to return to Boston, something 'work-related' he told us. Violet thinks he is running back to the lady that he had an affair with. Ever since our father had the affair, the relationship between both him and Violet has been strained.

I was hanging out with Violet in her room. She was reading a book while we also listened to music at the same time. We hear a knock at the door. Violet shouts, "I turned it down. What do you want?"

It was Mommy, "Can I come in?" I look to my sister, and I pull out my big puppy dog eyes, "Please, Sunshine?" She gives as she rolls her eyes in a sarcastic manner, "Okay. Okay."

I smile big and I run to answer the door. When I did open the door, there stood our mother with a purple flowered cupcake and a chocolate chip cookie. Mom says, "Hi. Our kooky neighbor made you a cupcake..." then she kneels down to my height, "She wanted to be sure that I gave a chocolate chip cookie to a Miss Daisy."

I smile as I take my cookie. Violet smiles a little at the cupcake, "Huh. A candied violet. That's clever." We walk back into her room, as our mom follows us, "Wanna watch a movie? Figured since your guys' dad is gone tonight, we could have a little girls' night."

Mom sets the cupcake on Violet's nightstand. Violet rejects the idea, "Yeah. No thanks" I speak up, "I want to!" Momma smiles at me, "That's one for the idea." Mom, "Thought it might be fun to hang out."

Violet continues to reject the idea, "Can't. Homework" Mom's curiosity spikes, "Are you mad at me about something?" Violet offers our mom the cupcake, "Why don't you eat it since you're eating for two now?"

Violet questions, "What? You think I'm stupid?" She points out, "You stopped drinking wine at dinner, and you're gaining weight in your face." I got excited as I hyped up, "I'm going to have a new sibling?!"

Mom continued to talk as she took me in her arms to playfully wrestle with me carefully, "I was going to tell you two tonight." Violet, "You know the statistics when you have a baby over 40."

Mom nods her head as I get off her lap, "Yeah. I do. You two want to talk about it?" Violet continues to reject the topic that has to do with communication, "No, thanks. I'm good."

Violet speaks her mind, "Having a baby isn't going to keep you and Dad together if that's what you're thinking." Mom has had enough about this topic, "Wow, Violet. I am really appreciating your optimism on this."

Mom continues, "Really am. Come on. Go ahead and say all your mean things" Violet doesn't care, "I think you're weak" Mom replies with, "Okay," in a soft voice and she leaves the room.

Not long after my mom left my sister's room, I look to Violet and I say, "Not cool, Violet." I leave soon after. My mom has already been going through a hard time with the miscarriage, the adjustments that come with moving, my dad's affair, and the new baby- the last thing she needs are people being mean to her.

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