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Daisy's POV:

-Before our parents arrived the night of Halloween-

Violet held me in her arms, as I buried my head into her shoulder. She took me up to her room and locked the door. She put me down on the floor as she put her head into her hands.

There was a tapping on the window, Violet looked outside the window, and she saw that it was Tate.

Violet's POV:
I told Daisy to not leave my room, but she insisted to go with me, because she didn't feel safe to be by herself, after all of the scary events that has happened in our house recently.

We held hands as she walked behind me down to the basement, where I called out to Tate, "Tate?" He smiles when he sees us, "Hey." I sigh as I now carry Daisy in my arms.

He beams when he sees her in my arms, "Aww, I'm guessing she didn't want to be by herself?" I shake my head, "No. It's been insane here. First, the cops were outside. Then some freak started banging on the door, screaming about money."

After our group hug, he pulls away, but continues to rub Daisy's back, "Hey. Hey. Shit like that does tend to go down on Halloween. Probably just asshole kids. It's fine now. I'm here."

He takes Daisy into his own arms, and she snuggles deeply into his arms, "Here to protect both you and Princess Daisy." He takes out a black rose and holds it out in front of me, "Here. I painted it black. I know how you don't like normal things."

I look to Tate, "You're the first boy to ever give me a flower." He laughs as he cradled my little sister. I thank him, "Thank you. I love it." He asks me, "You ready to go on our date?" I respond with, "Yeah."

We look to my sister, who has fallen asleep on him, "Should we take her with?" I say, "My parents will be here in a few minutes, maybe seconds." We decide to leave her here, and we leave to go on our date.

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