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Daisy's POV:

I was walking around the corner of the house, when I heard my father talking to his patient, Tate, "I've agreed to this meeting because we need to clarify a few things."

My father adds, "Firstly, the psychiatrist that I recommended to you, Dr. Goldman said you never showed up for the first appointment, and you never called to cancel."

Tate shrugs his shoulders, "I don't want to see anyone but you " Dad, "We've discussed why that won't work. Which brings me to my next question. We're very grateful to you, Tate, for how you helped my family. But you need to explain, here and now, what you were doing in this house at the time of the break-in."

Tate, "The truth is, I was just, like, hanging around outside, and I was- I was throwing pebbles at her window. But she blew me off. And then I noticed that the door was unlocked, so I went inside. It's not cool, I know."

Dad, "I understand. But this is why I can't treat you." If Dad says that he is not going to treat Tate anymore, then that means that I am not going to see Tate anymore- I immediately felt this sad sinking feeling in my small chest.

Dad continues, "It's inappropriate for everyone concerned" Tate begins to cry at my father's refusal, "I really need your help. I don't want to be like this. I want to be a good person."

I felt even worse for Tate, I truly believe that he wants help, and to me, he doesn't even realize that he is a good person. I listen to Tate discuss this matter with my father, "And I know that you can help me. You're the one, okay? You're the only one that I can trust."

Dad, "I cannot see you in this house." I run away as I not only begin to hear the sad sobs of Tate, but the sobs of my own as well.

Ben's POV:
I hear footsteps run away from the office, but I had to focus on the task at hand, "Now, look, I have an opening. I'll meet you someplace for coffee. But you have to promise me."

Tate begs me, "I promise you. Promise. No more weird shit, okay?" I sigh.

I decided to wipe the tears away, as I helped Moira decorate the pumpkins for Halloween. Mom, "Did Marcy bring those in?" Moira states, "Yes." My mom smiles, "Oh, that's nice."

Mom pays my back softly. Moira smiles, "Thank you. I enjoy crafts." Moira smiles in my direction, "Daisy, over here, is quite the little artist." Mom looks at mine, "Whoa. Honey. You did that?"

I smile brightly, "Yes." I carved my pumpkin to look like Marie Antoinette. Something was telling me to make it look like a French pumpkin. Moira, "Mrs. Harmon, a question?"

My mom turns to look at Moira, "Hmm?" Moira, "May I have Halloween off? I'd like to visit with my mother." I look at my mom, knowing the answer, but I wanted to beg, "Please, Mom. Moira works really hard! She should go see her mom."

Moira and mom smile at me and my innocence, "Of course" my mom replies with. Moira smiles, "Done." My mom, "I'll put that one outside." And my mom did just that.

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