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WARNINGS: Mentions of "death." Racial comments. Homophobia.

Daisy's POV:

That next day, I awoke for school. My first day at a new school. I can see why Violet doesn't want to go, this stuff is nerve wracking. I ate my breakfast, brushed my teeth, got dressed, Violet helped me with my hair, she smiled in the mirror and kissed my forehead, I smiled at her too.

I grabbed my backpack and shoes, and headed out the door. Violet was dropped off at her new school, then I was for my first day at my new elementary school, "Thanks, momma!" We hug and she smiles at me, "You're welcome, sweetheart. Have a good first day! Violet and I will be here later to pick you up!" I smile, "Ok." I get out of the car and I wave, "Bye!" She smiles, "Bye!" And takes off in her car.

Vivien's POV:

After dropping both Violet and Daisy off at their new schools, I arrived back at the house. I dropped then needle on an old record player, and classical music plays as I set out my instruments.

I also set out a large bowl of water and some scraping tools, like a scraping tool and a small knife. Slowly and carefully, I begin to remove the old wallpaper.

The Goya-esque mural begins to reveal itself. I can't quite make out what the first image is, until I pulled off more of the silver paper to see. It was a woman, her face, bent in pain, her body- twisted and tortured.

I was disturbed and transfixed by the artwork that I was seeing. I felt a hand touch my shoulder, and I jumped out of my skin. I look to see that it is a girl. A girl, with brown hair and eyes to match. I also notice that she has Down Syndrome.

A woman stands behind the girl. She looks to be in her 40s, with blonde hair, and eyes that match the girls.' The young girl says, "You're going to die in here."

The woman behind her shouts, "Adelaide!" She walks through the kitchen carrying a box. She says to her daughter, "Adelaide. I put "Dora the Explorer" on for you, so that you would sit and watch it."

Adelaide corrects her, "It was "Go Diego Go." I don't like it." Her mother replies with, "Brown cartoon characters. You can't tell the difference." I don't know what to think about this, so I continue to breathe, to calm myself down.

The woman introduces herself finally, "Hi. I'm Constance. Your neighbor. The tear down next door. This is my girl, Adelaide." She turns to her daughter, "Go home, Addy." She shouts when Addy doesn't move a muscle, "Now!"

Adelaide storms out, as her mother continues to speak to me, "That girl is a monster. I love her, and I'm a good Christian, but Jesus Christ, if they'd invent some of those tests a few years earlier..."

I interrupt her with a question, "How did you get in my house?" She answers, "You left your back door open. I have to warn you-Addy seems to always find a way in. She's got a bug up her ass for this place. Always has. You got a dog?"

I clarify, "Yes. Is that a problem?" She answers with, "Better for me. I run a little kennel out of my house. Doggy daycare kind of thing. Don't bother calling the cops on me. I'm in with one of those city managers, and he always looks the other way."

I interrupt again, "Look, it's very nice to meet you, but I wasn't really prepared for company." Constance, "I'm gone. Brought this for you. A housewarming gift. Addy wanted to cook you a pie, but she tends to spit in the cooking, so I figured this was better."

She hands me the gift, and I accepted it, "Should help you get rid of some of the bad ju-ju." She continues to speak, "Those homosexual boys were nice enough and I say, live and let live, but I can't help, but think that, that lifestyle drove them to do what they did."

She is about to leave, but then she turns to me, "I can't remember your name." I look at her and I respond with, "I didn't tell you. I'm Vivien Harmon."

Constance, "Anyway, enjoy, relax, let me know if you need help with your pup. Glad you're getting rid of that wallpaper. Thought those people were supposed to be stylish."

As they leave, I can't help but laugh at their oddness. I shake my head, and I opened the box that I received from Constance. It is a tightly wounded bunch of sage.

Through the window, I see Constance walk back to my house, "It's Sage. For cleansing the spirits of the house. Too many bad memories in there."

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