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Daisy's POV:

I feel different since we moved into the house. I try to be the happy 6 year old that everyone expects me to be, but I don't know how long I could continue to be happy, when there is a certain energy in this house...that has me feeling one of...darkness.

I was sleeping in my room, trying to dream of dreams and not nightmares, when the house's alarm system woke me up. I shot up like a rocket out of my bed, when I felt footsteps heading towards my room.

It was Violet, she sighs in relief when she sees me, and she cradles me in her arms, "Are you okay?" I nod my head and rub my eyes as I yawn, "What time is it? Is it time for school, already?"

She laughs a little, "No, honeybee. That was just the house alarm going off. It's not time for school yet...thank god. Here" she holds her arms out for me, and she puts me in them, she just cradles me in her arms for a while.

She reassured me and she cradled me in her arms, "Everything's okay, honey. Let's go back to sleep." I fell asleep again, hoping that this doesn't disturb my normal sleeping pattern, and my day at school later.

When I fell back asleep, I felt protected. Not only by Violet, who I knew fell asleep beside me until I fell asleep completely, but I also felt protected by things that are not there, which makes absolute no sense to me at all.

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