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thesun || Real Madrids stargirl turned party girl?

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Catalina Fernandez has been spotted multiple times these past few months partying and having fun with a few of her friends. Most noticeable friend is Sofia Thomas who is no stranger to the party life and seems to have roped Catalina in as well.

Before joining Madrid, Catalina played in the academy and then got offered a contract at sixteen, becoming the youngest player to sign for Real Madrid. The name Fernandez is no stranger to the Madrid team though, her father Mateo Fernandez played for them as well and played impressively. Unfortunately, he had a career ending injury leaving everyone devastated.

His daughter Catalina, has proven herself numerous times that she deserves her spot on the team. At twenty one years old, she already has a champion league trophy, supercopa espana, and many more. But lately, fans have been seeing her drinking and partying more than she probably should be. It's no secret that players love partying after winning matches, but to do it so publicly and out in the open and multiple times during the week, gives fans the wrong message. They've been calling her unprofessional and disrespectful, saying that she doesn't deserve her spot anymore.

While some fans just suspect that she's having fun and still being responsible. There hasn't been any changes to her style of play on the pitch and she knows what she's doing. Other fans think that her teammate Sofia Thomas has been manipulating her into this lifestyle, taking the focus off her to the stargirl of Madrid.

What do y'all think? Is she just having fun with friends or is she losing her spark with the team? Is Thomas trying to make her look bad in front of paparazzi and fans so she gets bad backlash?


Catalina groans as she reads the article, once again she was made out to be a party girl and not taking her job seriously. It was all taken out of context, yes, she did go out, but it was for her birthday and she only had couple drinks. Sofia probably had way more than her and nobody was bashing publicly online by the fans. Catalina was the one that called it a night and went home early even though Sofia didn't like that plan but let her go after expressing her opinion.

But currently she couldn't care about that right now, Carlos and his family was coming over for a family barbecue as he was on a week break before his final race of the season and he wanted to come back to Spain to spend time with Lina. His rookie season obviously hasn't been the easiest but he'll only get better as he continues and that's what Catalina keeps reminding him.

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