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February 15th, 2010


It had been a couple months since Carlos had officially asked Catalina to be his girlfriend and to say the pair were closer than ever was an understatement.

Currently Carlos was laying in Lina's bed, while she sits in front of her mirror finishing her makeup, both of them listening to Taylor Swifts album 'Fearless'. Their families had made plans for everyone, so they were getting ready together even though Carlos was basically done.

She was looking for her last item when she feels two arms wrap around her waist. She feels Carlos puts his head on her shoulders and he kisses her cheek.

"You almost ready to go cariño?"

"Just about, I just have to finish this up and then go get dressed."

Catalina finishes her makeup and goes into her bathroom to change into different clothes appropriate for the reservation at the restaurant their families made. She comes back out and Carlos can't seem to take his eyes off her, she was no doubt the prettiest woman he has ever laid his eyes on. (Besides his sisters and mother of course)

She notices his staring and suddenly becomes insecure in the outfit. She felt insecure quite a bit mainly because of the kids at school. It was no secret who she was at school and who her father was. Everyone had knew that he was an icon for Madrid and loved him, but the same couldn't be said for Catalina.

The other kids were jealous that she had a good chance of going to Real Madrid soon and thought that her fathers last name made her famous, which wasn't the case at all. She worked hard to get a spot on the team in the future and to prove that she deserved it, but the other kids never could see that. So they tried to make her feel like shit all the time, talking about her body and how she was too skinny, but she never showed that it affected her. The only person who knew it hurt her was Carlos and he did everything in his power to feel better after.

"Whats wrong? Do I look bad or is it too much? I can go change if you think it looks ba-"

Carlos just shakes his head and simply walks over to interrupt her with his lips on her. He knows how she feels about her looks and weight most the time and hates that she feels that way. All he wanted to do was take her pain away and kiss every insecurity she had away until she felt confident in herself.

"Mi amor you look absolutely breathtaking. The most beautiful girl i've ever seen in my life."

Catalina just smiles and hugs his waist as he puts his arms around her shoulders. She was always grateful that Carlos knew when she was feeling insecure about herself and always seemed to pulled those thoughts away.

The two of them walked hand in hand down the stairs where the rest of the family was chatting away. She takes a seat next to Blanca who had smiled when she noticed her presence.

"Where's Lana at?" She asked when she noticed everyone except her sister.

"She's still getting ready, she takes after you and takes forever to pick out an outfit." Diego, her little brother says annoyed as he sat impatiently and kicks at the seat Lina was seated at just to piss her off. If he had to wait forever as he put it for women to get ready, then he was gonna have fun with it and annoy his older sister.

Catalina was about to say something snarky back but Lana walks out her room saying that she's ready. So instead she settles for a smack on the back of his head and smirks at him when he tries to smack her back but misses.

Everyone piles into two separate cars, and Catalina gets into the car with Carlos obviously with his parents. The two of them get into the back seat talking about random things during the drive while his parents just smirk at each other while listening to them. They were proud of their son for finally admitting his feelings he's had since he was little and for picking her of all girls.

When they arrive at the restaurant, Carlos puts his hand on her back to keep her close as they were lead to their table. He pulled the chair out for her and sat beside her, barely being able to take his eyes off her as he does so.

"So Lina how's football coming along?" Carlos Sainz Sr asks. He always acted like she was his daughter as well as Diego and Lana and he was grateful for when she was able to keep his son in check and helped in focused on racing. The same went for her father as well, he acted like Ana and Blanca were his daughters and Carlos his son.

"It's going great! I think i'll have a real shot to play professionally. Hopefully soon, when i turn sixteen. I've heard rumors about scouts coming to try and seek out young talent." She continues to ramble on about football without realizing while Carlos just sits there smiling proudly as he listens. He had always loved listening to her little rants even if they were about the most random things ever, but listening to her ramble passionately about football made him even more proud. Real Madrid has been their families favorite team for generations, and he hoped that his girl could be able to live out her passion and dreams.

The two families continue to eat their meals and enjoy each others company for the rest of the night. When it was time to leave, they paid the bill and left to head back to the Fernandez's house.

When they made it back, the sun was about to set, and Carlos and Catalina both loved watching the sunrise and sunset together. They let their parents know where they're going, and grabbed her horses from the barn they stayed in. Catalina had been a huge animal girl and finally convinced her family to buy her horses. Right now she had two, Charlie who was the oldest and Belle.

After walking the trail, they let the horses walk around for a bit and they sit in a grassy area in the field. She sits between his legs with his front to her back as they talk about their future plans about racing and football. He plays with her hair as she draws pattern on his hands and somehow leans further back into his chest.

"I can't wait to watch you race in formula 1 one day." She says excitedly when they change the topic. Just like Carlos was excited for her, she was excited for when he was able to get a seat in his dream sport.

"How do you know i'll even make it to formula one?"

"Please, have you seen yourself drive? You have talent Carlos and don't ever doubt yourself because one day you will make it, and i'll be cheering for you in your garage." She says as she slightly turns to him and they smile at each other before he grabs her cheek and pulls her for a kiss as they watch the rest of sunset, with her horses sat beside them.


why are the first few chapters always hard to write??

anyways, it probs will have a slow start to show her building her career and her relationships with her teammates and her struggles as well. just cause she already has the love of her life, doesn't mean i won't try and find ways to add drama in here for her..

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