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May 12th, 2019

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May 12th, 2019

Today was the spanish grand prix and for the first time ever, Catalina wasn't that excited to attend her home race. If anything, she was way more nervous to show up just because she knows Spain fans are still upset months later and she didn't want to risk her family and friends getting hurt in anyway.

"Are you sure you want me there?" She fiddled with her fingers and looked down to see how red they had became. She felt Carlos' gently place his hands on her face, lifting her head up so she could meet his brown hickory eyes that she loved so much.

"Of course mi amor. You know nothing could ever change my mind about you, i don't care what the people are saying about you." He brings her in for a hug and she relaxes into the comfort and warmth of being wrapped up in his arms.

"But that being said, if you really don't feel up to it and don't feel safe, you can stay here in the house. I just want you safe." She nods her head as her dad enters the room with Carlos Sr.

"All right, we're leaving now. You guys ready?" Carlos looks at Catalina to see if she was going and she nods, grabbing her bag.

"Don't worry Catalina, your dad and i will be right beside you the whole time." Carlos Sr threw his arm over his future daughter's shoulder and smiled at her.


Entering the paddock was just as chaotic and uncomfortable as Catalina predicted it would be...possibly even worse.

It didn't help that there are fans waiting everywhere to see and take pictures with the drivers either. As soon as one person took notice of Catalina, they didn't waste anytime on posting her all over socials medias, gaining attention from the fans and haters.

As Catalina was walking with Carlos towards the entrance gate, someone had grabbed onto her arm, basically picking her up from behind, taking her off guard. Before the person could even do anything, Mateo and Carlos had pushed the person away and security escorted the person away from there as Catalina bent down to pick up her bag. Sadly, this was not the first incident where someone had tried to grab her.

"Warm welcome." She muttered sarcastically and Carlos someone manned to hold her even closer than before as she pulled her hood up to cover her face up.

Carlos had felt terrible that she was going through all this and there wasn't anything he could do to make it stop. All he could do was be there for Catalina and that was good enough for her. He could see how much less confident she was since the world cup and drained she looked, and he couldn't blame her. Being blamed and threatened by your so called fans in your own country had really taken a toll on her mental health and anyone who had eyes could see it.

THE ALCHEMY | CARLOS SAINZWhere stories live. Discover now