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Today was another el clasico against Barcelona and Catalina was excited for this match as it would be held at the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium in Madrid

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Today was another el clasico against Barcelona and Catalina was excited for this match as it would be held at the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium in Madrid. Of course the only bad thing about it, is that she has to play against her brother but they both know that there's no hard feeling between the two of them on the pitch. Whatever happens on the pitch, stays on the pitch.

Her father who was basically her manager, drove her to the stadium early. "I'll come find you later, so you can do my hair." She smiled and kissed her dad on his cheek as she disappeared into the locker room to change, while Mateo went to greet Carlo.

"And there she finally is! How are you doing kid?" Her good friend Gareth, had asked.

"You going to ask me that every time you see me now?"

"Probably. In mine and Sergio's eyes, you're still the baby of the team. We still got to take care of you."

"Even though i'm twenty four and there's younger people on the team." She gives him a look as she ties her boots and he just nods with a smile.

"Well i appreciate it, but honestly i'm fine. The hate is slowly dying down and hopefully everything can go back to normal."

"And it will. After we win this game, i bet everyone will see how great and talented you are and everyone will love you again. Even though they should've never hated you to begin with."

"And if they don't?"

"Well you don't need them to play good, you have us cheer on you on and we'll always have your back." He tossed his arm around her as they walked toward the pitch.


After the halftime whistle had blew, the barcelona fans who showed up, started cheering as the Madrid fans weren't happy that they were currently losing 2-nil. Both teams had taken the aggressive approach this game and it started paying off in Barcelonas favor unfortunately.

She enters the locker room and slams her shoe on the ground in frustration. She was confused on how they were beating them, when this is the first time they've gone trophyless, so far this season for the first time since 2007-8. Other players obviously felt the same as started doing the same and yelling out curse words while the coaches and mangers came in to talk about what to do better. Catalina meets her father's eyes as he walks in and she nodded at him as he silently asked if she was okay.

Once halftime was over, both teams walked out from the tunnel and began taking their spots on the field. She met her brother's dark brown eyes from his side of the field and just winked at him to let him know that she won't back down anytime soon.

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