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Embarking on a new life is like stepping onto a blank canvas; with every stroke of courage and curiosity, we paint the masterpiece of our journey.


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The sky is incredibly gloomy despite it being a very exciting day for her. The ash color clouds and dimly lit natural lighting weren't matching her mood. The passing cars were vibrant, but not as vibrant as they would've been had the sun been shining bright into the sky rather than hiding behind the clouds. On top of everything else, it was raining. The sound of light rainfall hitting the car reminded her of the days she would sit in her childhood room, sketching the scenery. Even though it was extremely gray and gloomy, her smile rests upon her lips.

Her gray noise canceling headphones are on her head as she sits in the passenger seat, quietly listening to her Rainy Days playlist. Aurelia drowns herself in music on days like this. Sometimes, the music helps her determine how she feels for the day, and on good days, it gets her creative juices running for another painting she wants to finish. That's one of many of her goals this year. Finish all the unfinished canvas tucked away in the trunk of her mother's car.

A tap on her shoulder causes her to pull her headphone off and turn around in her seat. "Yes?"

"I wish you look a bit sad," Her mother tells her, wiping the tears under her eyes carefully so she wouldn't ruin her makeup she spent hours on before they left the house. "You're going to be leaving us for months, but you're sitting comfortably."

"I am comfortable." She says, making her momma hit her shoulder.


"Sean! Do you hear how she's talking to me!" Her mother says dramatically, pushing her father's shoulder from the backseat as he drives.

"I heard her, babe." he laughs before glancing over at his daughter with a smile before shaking his head.

Aurelia laughs quietly, covering her face so her momma won't notice that they're laughing at her.

"She has never lived without us before! How can she sit comfortably right now!" Her momma expresses as she sniffles softly.

Rolling her eyes, Aurelia pulls her headphones back on, listening to one of many of her favorite songs. Her mother is being really dramatic. She's behaving as if Aurelia will never return home ever again. This is her first year at, one of her top picks for college. Shouldn't her momma be happy that she decided to enter the tough world of arts? Maybe she's concerned that she won't make it far with it. The art world is hard, especially when she wants to showcase her unique paintings to the world. Sure, every artist is unique, but eventually they all blend together. But she refuses to blend when it comes to her artwork. Aurelia is shooting to stand out.

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