‣ fifteen

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Overthinking is akin to sketching the outline of a masterpiece; the ideas are vivid on paper, eager to be brought to life. However, each stroke, when pondered too intensely, can lead to bewilderment, causing one to lose their way within the piece, unsure of how to navigate back to the original vision. Just like overthinking.


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Two days. It has been two days since she moved in with Elijah. So far everything he had told her was true. He spent most of his day out, and he comes back to his place late. In other words she didn't really see the man too much. As he told her, the only time Aurelia sees him is earlier in the morning when she's waking up to start her day. They would have very short conversations, while she drinks tea and eats the toast she made with the bread in his kitchen. Everything is perfect and comfortable for her, but why did she feel so lonely? It didn't feel like she did when she was living with Jackie, but it feels like she's living with a ghost. Is it too much to ask him for some quality time?

"Relia!" Aurelia looks at her laptop screen, seeing Cameron and Sabrina watching her. "Girl, are you okay?"

Right. She called her friends to let them know her situation. Aurelia had already told Cameron about what was going on a few weeks ago, but she never really updated him on it. This whole time she pretty much kept her thoughts and worries to herself, that is, until she called Elijah. Even after telling the man everything, from start to finish, he didn't seem that surprised by what she told him.

"Sorry." Aurelia apologizes to them both, watching them smile again, but she could feel their concern through the screen.

"Did you get a renovation or something?" Cameron comments on the room, the guest room she's staying in with a big window and a pretty view on her right. "Where are you?"

Aurelia looks down trying to muster up the courage to finally say what was on her mind to her two best friends. "I'm living with someone else."

Sabrina's face twists with confusion. "What do you mean? Why?"

"I already told Cameron, but I've had a lot of issues with my previous roommate, Jackie." Aurelia says somewhat confidently, watching Sabrina and Cameron nod their heads. "I went to the student housing board just as Cameron suggested, but when I went there, the board leader was on leave, so there was much for them to do with my situation."

"The fuck?" Cameron cursed, rolling his eyes before crossing his arms. "It was still early into the first week of classes for you. They couldn't help?"

Aurelia avoids their faces this time. "I wanted another week. I wanted to give her another chance, but then her boyfriend, and herself, were super rude and mean to me. So, i called someone, i met, and now I'm living with him."

"Can she fight?" Cameron asks, his anger flaring up. "Because if she can't I don't give a fuck, her and her little chump ass-"

"Him?!" Sabrina cuts Cameron off, causing Aurelia to finally look at her best friends. "You're living with a man?"

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