▸ twenty-five

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In the canvas of reality, our emotions paint a complex portrait where love, wants, and desires blur the lines between clarity and confusion. Just as in art, navigating these tangled emotions requires courage to confront the chaos and find beauty in the midst of the whirlwind of confusion.


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Aurelia smiles and holds her bottle of water, but really her mind wasn't focused on the conversation she was having with Nina and Adrian. She could only focus on the two men who were talking to others on the other side of the room. Elijah is whispering to Grace, the girl she met for the first time at the cafe a while back. They seem to be having a casual conversation, she couldn't really tell from the angle she was watching him at. Her eyes slowly travel across the room where Andrew is leaning against the counter, a glass of champagne in his hand, and his eyes are on her.

She quickly turns away, causing Nina to look at her with a confused expression. "Are you okay?"

"O-Oh," Aurelia clears her throat and nods. "Yeah, I'm fine. Adrian, are you working on your next art piece?"

She tries to change the subject fast, so her observant roommate, Nina, wouldn't ask questions. However, she could tell from the holes that the taller woman is burning into her face with her eyes, that she's already forming the questions in her head.

"Nah," Adrian answers, sipping his drink a bit before shrugging. "I plan on taking a long ass break. I spent months on that thing, and I'm glad someone bought it."


Adrian sighs. "I just wish I took it off the market, the sculpture held a very deep meaning for me."

"You know, you could've asked Sunny, he would've helped." Nina tilts her head.

Aurelia turns her head from the conversation, just to see Elijah approaching them. A lot of things were running through her mind. Specifically the part of the evening where he and Andrew basically asked her out and she agreed to it. As the man gets closer, she finally is able to take a look at his clothes. He looks nice dressed in his suit, and the black sheer shirt underneath gave her a small glimpse of his chest.

"Congrats, Adrian." Elijah says, placing his hand on her lower back, causing her to jump slightly. "My grandfather loved your piece so much that he bought it."

"Yeah," Adrian sighs. "I loved that stupid thing as well."

Elijah chuckles, lightly dragging his fingertips up and down her spine. Even with the laced corset, she felt his fingertips through the fabric, causing goosebumps up and down her arm.

"I can't believe you all gave me first place," Nina complains. "I know I'm good, but there were a lot more artists that deserved that more than me."

Aurelia stares at everyone, too stunned to move, and too speechless to form a sentence. His touch is a distraction, she's distracted from the conversation.

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