▸ sixty-five

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Aurelia opens the front door of the house she shares with Nina, and drops her small bag of clothes by the threshold. As she kicks her snow covered boots off, Nina gasp and charges for her head on. As the taller woman hugs her tightly, Aurelia laughs and hugs her back.

"Relia! I missed you!" she kisses her cheek. "I was so close to kidnapping you back from them. You spent a whole weekend with them again."

She smiles. "You should've, my body need a week break from them."

Aurelia slowly walks over to the couch, and takes an even slower time to sit. They had no idea how difficult it is to walk and sit normally after the number they did on her. It's not as if she hated it, and she's not the only one going through it either. Andrew told her she gets used to it after a month, and even after a month of sleeping with them, she couldn't get used to it.

"Adrian told me that you weren't participating in this art competition. Why not?" Nina asks while pouring tea, from the pretty kettle, that Adrian made her with the matching mugs. The same mugs that they will drink out of.

"Well, for one, that week of the competition is around the same time as my birthday. I don't want to be stressed out during the week of my birthday. What if I lose again, and another famous artist calls my work garbage?" Aurelia says holding the mug carefully when Nina hands it to her.

"You got to stop talking about yourself like that, Relia." She scolds, sitting beside her. "Your art is so amazing! I'm sure all those famous painters, from around the world, will love it. Arthur is an idiot, and arrogant. Don't take his comments to heart."

"Well that arrogant idiot used to be my idol. I have followed his art since high school, so his words definitely brought my confidence down. Not to mention that it took a long time for someone to buy my artwork... And it wasn't even for a good reason." She says, mumbling that last part, since that really was about Elijah and his soon to be step-father Marcello.

"There you go again." Nina frowns slightly.

A curious expression covering her face as she looks at Nina. "What?"

"You're putting yourself down!"

Aurelia puts the mug on the coffee table and sighs as she shrugs her coat off completely. "Look, Nina. It's not like I don't want to do the competition... I'm just nervous."

Aurelia is certain that there will be even more talent at this competition, especially since it's not the academy competition.

"A competition on this large of a scale will generate more talented people than I am. Not to mention it's for traditional painting only. So you and Adrian can't participate with me. I'll only do it if it's with you and him."

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