▸ twenty-three

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Art has a remarkable ability to soothe the soul, to ease the burden of frustration that weighs heavily on our minds. Yet, amidst the strokes of paint, lies a subtle truth—a truth veiled by the colors of expression. We may unwittingly conceal our deepest wounds, using art as a shield against the piercing gaze of our own vulnerability. It becomes not only a balm for the soul but a mask, hiding the raw emotions we dare not confront. Thus, while art may offer respite from frustration, it also holds within its embrace the potential for deception, a delicate line between healing and disguise, between truth and illusion.


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Aurelia hands moves across the canvas, headphones over ears, playing her frustration playlist. Paint is everywhere. On her hands, arms, clothes, and even a bit on her face. Why is she painting? What caused her to get so in her head that she had to take it out on her paintbrushes? Andrew. Elijah. The two that have been running through her mind since the event. It's been only a week since she moved in, and the last time she heard anything from Elijah and Andrew was two days ago when they invited her out to eat. It was right after she finished up at work, they were waiting for her outside, causing a scene with their attractive appearance.

"You want to change?" Andrew asked her, in his typical get up, only this time he wasn't showing that much skin since the weather is getting chilly since it's at the end of September.

"If you two don't mind taking me back to get change." She said, walking passed them, opening the door to the back seat, settling in the seat after putting her seat belt on. Andrew and Elijah exchanged looks before getting into the vehicle. "Are we going to go?"

That moment in the car, they ambushed her with confessions.

"That day at the event, I was talking about you." Andrew confessed, causing Aurelia in present time to drag her paintbrush across the canvas roughly. "It's cute that you thought I was talking about someone else."


Aurelia takes more paint, rubbing across the canvas, the loud song plays in her ears. She goes back to thinking about the men and what they said to her. What they confessed, what frustrated her more.

"What we're trying to say is," Andrew and Elijah looked at each other, as if they were giving each other confirmation before turning around in their seats to face her. "We are interested in you, and we were wondering if you could give us a chance to get to know you."

Interested? In her?

As the words repeat in her head, her paintbrush finally snaps, causing her to stare at the piece she did out of anger. The red and yellow hues match the emotions she feels at this moment. A soft hand touches her shoulder, causing her to turn around, unknowingly glaring at the person. Nina tilts her head before handing the cup of tea to her.

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