▸ thirty-six

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Art, like painting, serves as the dawn of new emotions, awakening desires and unveiling needs. With each brushstroke, it reveals the unseen landscapes of the heart, stirring the soul and inviting us to explore the depths of our innermost yearnings.❞


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Aurelia nibbles at her bottom lip and looks down at her hands. She could understand why he didn't tell the truth. If he had told her that he needed to go to a party, she would have definitely been upset. However, if he would've told her he needed to go to this party because he needs answers about what happened to him a year ago, she wouldn't mind him leaving for that.

"Does..." she starts looking at him. "...Elijah knows about this?"

Andrew crosses his arms and shrugs. "Kind of, but he thinks I should just let it go. I'm sure he thinks I did all those drugs that night. He watches me like a hawk and lectures me when I drink more than I should."

Aurelia winces at the statement. If he explains everything just like he did with her, she's certain Elijah would understand. Then again, would anyone believe someone they think just took random drugs recklessly?

"So," she stands up and touches his bruised cheek. "You went to Aoden's party to get him to confess to drugging you, and you took a shot to prove a point and you got into a fight? Then you were drugged again from the shot he gave you?"

"Yeah," Andrew nods, staring into her eyes. "I ended up at Sean's place and he made up a lie for me so Elijah wouldn't freak out about me being drugged. So I actually got drunk to fit the lie."

Aurelia sighs softly, not understanding at all. If he knows this why won't he go to the police about it. Then she had to remember these are super rich people she's talking about. "I... I can help you."


She looks away and takes a deep breath before looking at him again. "If all you need is a confession, proof that he drugged you... I can help you."

Andrew takes a step back and shakes his head. "I don't think that's a good idea. Didn't you say he threatened you? All because you were helping Jackie out too, I don't think you should get involved, even for me."

"You shouldn't be trying to do this on your own either." She counters watching the male expression change before he sighs and sits on the bed. "All I have to do is ask around, right? Or just get a recorded message of him saying–"

Her words were cut short when her phone began ringing. Confused Aurelia picks her phone up from the nightstand and notices it was her momma. She answers quickly and presses the phone up to her ear.

"Baby," her mother's voice comes through the phone. "I'm with your roommate, well old roommate and she said you are at this house. We are outside baby, can you come open the door?"

Baby Angel | a poly romanceWhere stories live. Discover now