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  Taylor pov

  Camila was distant this morning, I want to talk with her because I don't like how we ended things, I care about her in ways I haven't cared about someone before. Things are different with her, she makes me happy even with the little things. I want to be a better person and even if we are friends I want her happy. I decide to go look for her yet I can't find her anywhere.  

    I faintly hear Shawn doing his soundcheck so I make my way to the only other place Cam might be. I knew when she had a lot on her mind she liked to get away from the crowds. Climbing the flight of stairs I make it to the top and push the metal door open.
  Camila is sitting there on the end looking out at the city. She must have heard the door cause she glances back at the noise.
"Hey" she mumbled turning back to the city

I don't say anything to her as I walk up.

"This seat is taken," I ask and Cam laughs

She shakes her head and I hop up sitting next to her.

"It's so beautiful " Camilla sighs

"It is" I humm in response

She looks gorgeous, the wind slightly blowing in her hair, her cheeks are flushed and around her eyes are red- she's been crying.

"Wanna hear a joke?" I ask

She nods her head.

"A cat walks into a library and asks the librarian "Hello, can I please have some tuna fish"
The librarian says "This is a library "
The cat then says that's whisper "oh sorry can I please have some tuna fish" " I say the joke

I can tell she tries to keep composure but she ends up laughing a little.

We don't say anything for a while after that. basking in the silence and watching the city. I shift slightly and brush my hand across Camila's hand and I feel her stiffen.

"Taylor," she says

I think she is uncomfortable so I stop and change the subject.

"Cam, why do you stay with him, when he's so mean to you," I ask

I glance over to Camilla, genuinely wanting to know.

"Taylor it's not-"

"It is Camila and you know. You are worth so much more than how he treats you" I whisper

"Camila please" I beg

Camila looks down and I take this chance to slightly move in, her eyes flick up to mine and she sucks in a breath.

"I want this" I whisper

My breath is fanning across her face

The flecks of brown cloud her color.

I'm mere inches from her and I want her, I want her lips on mine and I want to protect her.
I lean in closer and I'm so close, my lips tingle as I can almost feel her.

My mind reels of having her lips on mine. I go to move in and close the distance, a hand wraps around my shoulder and I'm pulled back and thrown to the ground.

My hands skid across the pavement until I stop.

"YOU BITCH, FUCKING SLUT" a voice tells

I look up to see Shawn standing there yelling and Camilla still sitting on the edge, she must be in shock.

He stalks towards me and gleans down grabbing my collar, he feels back and punches me before I can stop him. The pain spreads across my face and I groan in pain. He keeps going as the blows come in bursts.

He's stronger than me and I cannot break his hold. My nails are digging into his arms, seeping into the skin and drawing blood. His eyes are filled with rage that he doesn't flinch.

Shawn is tackled to the ground and I see Camilla stopping him, my face raw with pain as I can feel clouds in my brain. I gasp and push off the ground, sitting up slightly. My vision spins.

"You're A SLUT KARLA" Shawn screams


"GET OFF HER" Cam screams

Shawn throws Camilla to the ground and turns back to me.

I'm barely getting up off the ground before he speaks.

"I knew you were up to something, can't keep your fucking hands off my girlfriend, faggot" Shawn seethes before I see his mussels tense

He going to come at me again, but before he can I see Camilla charging at him, wrapping her arms around him and tackling him to the ground. He slams down, his chin hitting the pavement and he curses out.

He quickly throws Camilla off and she skids to the wall.

"Shawn stop" Camilla groans

I make my way to him and were go at it, I hear Cam groan
I hit him in the nose.

"SHAWN STOP" Camila screams

He stops his next advancement on me and stalks over to her he grabbed her by the hair and yanks her up.

"I knew you I was too good for you, you're a fucking piece of garbage" he seethes.

He's gone way too far, I'm running over to him before he can do real damage.

Without warning he kicks Cam and she stumbles back, her feet catching over themselves and she loses her footing, right into the staircase. Inside her body disappear and all I see is red. Rage and anger fill me and I need to break something.

I charge at Shawn and tackle him to the floor.


My fists are flying and I can't feel anything I can't see anything except rage and hate. I know I'm hitting him because I hear his pleas for me to stop. He doesn't even try throwing me off. I swing and swing. I hear other people yelling and screaming, sirens in the distance.

"FUCK YOU" I seethe

Shawn screams asking me to stop, I throw more punches before I feel a set of hands-on my torso and pull me off of him.


I fight the arms around me. The voice slowly came through my rage. The pain starts to show and my hands sting.

"Taylor TAYLLE CALM DOEN"  someone yells

"Taylor stop, camilas hurt bad," the voice says in my ear

I stop fighting, I stop everything.

My breathing is ragged, my vision slowly comes back and the throbbing in my hands becomes a constant pain. I glance back to see a tree painting


I scramble up off the floor and dart across the roof to the stairwell, I skied to a stop to see the paramedics walking down with Camilla in the stretcher, her face all bloody and beaten. I can't breathe

"Let's get you to check out too" Tree says placing a hand on my arm.

I simply nod my head, too many emotions to comprehend, to protest. Tree leads me down the stairs, following behind Camz.

She will be okay.

She will.

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