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Spell checked it but honestly there's probably mistakes sozzzz lol


The drive back to the courthouse was short and Taylor kept her hands to herself this time around. I was ready for this to be over the only thing that was left was for any witness to step forward or be called up but I had no idea if we had any.   

   The judge entered the room and we all took our seats while he pulled out papers and set them in separate stacks. The jury entered and took their seats as well.

  I pray that he is willing to side with us, and the jury too. He can still tell the jury to screw the self's and choose what he wants but if he was decent at his job he would choose with them in agreement.

"Welcome back, hopefully, it was a calming lunch for you all. We have a few testimonials then I will receive the jury's decision before making mine" he said sitting you in his chair.

Who in the world would even come out here to defend him? Or maybe it's to defend us?

"I welcome to the stand Ms Dinah Hansen, she's testifying on behalf of Mr Mendez"




Dinah walks through the door and my breath is altered. No way no way. She's on his say? But she's my best friend? 
My breathing becomes sporadic and I feel lightheaded.




I want to get out of here, my mind can't stop.

I feel the pressure of a hand on mine but I can't think, I can't breathe. I need air- real air. Panic sets in as I feel like I'm being suffocated.

  There's no way she's believing him- it can't be true, my friend.

"Camila calm down" Taylor whispers

I try to calm my breathing but it keeps jumping and I can feel my eyes watering up.

I feel betrayed

" hello please state your full name then continue to what you need to tell us "

Dinah sits down and her eyes find mine, but she quickly looks away.

"My name is Dinah Hansen. I'm here to testify against Camila Cabello. We have been friends ever since we first met in grade school and she was the nicest kid ever, she was always there for me when I was bullied and fell.

  She met Shawn a few years ago at a club and since then she's changed, never hanging out with me anymore, refusing to get a job, and helping Shawn out. She became this monster that nobody wanted to be around." Dinah said flipping her hair back

The walls were closing in, they were going to break me.   The hand in mine pulled onto her lap and covered it with both her hands.  The warmth helped calm my nerves, I don't know how she did it but she did it.

"I heard about how she used him for his fame and money what she did to make her leave him, and what she's doing now with Taylor, it's such a shame" Dinah sighed

I pushed out the negative thoughts, I couldn't do it here. I knew for a fact tonight was going to suck.

I was going to be an emotional mess.

"Thank you, Dinah," the judge said before she left.

There were a few other people who went up but the rest were in Taylor's favor. It makes me wonder what did Shawn say to her or offer her to get up there and say those mean things. We were besties so I'm not sure as to why she would ever do that.

"We will break for 20 minutes then come back to discuss the decision, " the judge said.

I didn't want to go anywhere, not that we would have had time anyway. We sat there quietly talking and Shawn did not bother to get up either- we kept our distinct and I was glad he didn't make a scene.

" I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be right back" I mumbled.

Making my way out I realized how stuff my body was and it aches to go to bed. I entered the bathroom and went into a stall. As I sat there I set my head in my hands - thinking about how this was going to turn out. I needed a break.

I flushed and made my way out of the stall and stopped dead in my tracks. There stood Dinah washing her hands.

"How could you" I seethed

Dinah spun around so fast with her eyes wide.

"Chancho please I swear it's not what you think" She stepped closer to me.

I held up a hand, not wanting to get closer to her.

"Why" I asked as a tear fell down my cheek

"Mila o-

"Don't call me that" I raised my voice.

I was going to lose my shit again- therapy is going to be much needed.

"I needed the money and Shawn offered if I lied" she begged

"You lied to try and get me to lose this case when you know the type of man he is?!" I screeched

All I saw was red, I was so upset and angry at her and the world that I was done.

"You no friend of mine" I stated

"Please Camila " Dinah begged and grabbed my wrist.

"Get the fuck off me you hypocrite" I screamed.

I went to lunge for her but an arm held me back from pressing forward.

"Get the fuck out of here." A voice from behind me seethed.

Diniah practically ran out of the bathroom and that's when I lost it. Songs wracked my body and I couldn't take it anymore, when was the world going to give me a break? The arms turned me around and I saw Taylor.

"It's alright" She hummed pulling me into her chest and letting me ugly cry for a little.

"Did you hear that?" I asked wiping my tears away.

"Yes baby, we can talk more about it later but now we gotta focus Okay?" Taylor mummed tucking a strand of hair behind my ears

"Okay," I sighed and sniffled a little.

"That's it my love" she smiled and placed a quick kiss on my forehead.

We made our way back the the room and took our seats.

"You both are doing very well, I'm proud of you" Andrea whispered from behind us.

I sent her a smile knowing she meant best.  When the judge came back out I was nervous- and that's an understatement.


Taylor kept out hands intertwined as he pulled a few papers out and stood up.

I was fuckjng scared.

"I have made a ruling, " he said

"Finally" Shawn scoffed

What a prick. Even in a courtroom, he couldn't be a decent guy.

"By the state of New York and the court. Based on the information I have received as well as major sway from the jury..... mr Mendez I find you guilty of defamation of character, Intentional Infliction of Emotional, physical, and mental distress, assault, pain, and suffering, and rape. As well as using misleading evidence in a court case-


"I'm not finished- you will serve 30 years in prison with 5 years parole. Ms Swift and Ms Cabello, I find you innocent" he said

I breathed fresh air for the first time, I finally felt clean.

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