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Tossing and turning in the bed for hours eventually got to me. I slipped from the covers and sat on the cushion beside the window. The city was alive, people rushing places as the sun rose. The traffic was starting to pile in, and I knew it would only get worse. I opened my phone and clicked on my photos- I scrolled through photos of Taylor and me.

 I opened my phone and clicked on my photos- I scrolled through photos of Taylor and me

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I instantly closed my phone and dropped it onto the floor

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I instantly closed my phone and dropped it onto the floor. My heart hurt at the idea of Taylor cheating- would she?

  It doesn't make sense for her to do that, but it all adds to us. The facts are there.

  My phone rings a few times, and I'm brought out of a daze. Reluctantly picking it up, I clicked on Twitter notifications to be bombarded with tweets mentioning me.

@camilacabello was seen leaving the apartment in tears while @taylorswift chased after her

Did anyone else see @camila run outside?

@ Camila Cabello, are you okay??

@taylorswift is driving another one away

My body suddenly felt hot as I closed my phone and sat it down. They knew nothing of our lives- always assumed. It bothered me how I couldn't even walk outside without it being blown out of proportion. I ran my fingers through my hair and down my neck until I felt a chain- the necklace Taylor gave me.

White hot anger flashed through me, and I gripped the chord and yanked it off my neck—the force causing the chain to break as I threw it across the room. The necklace skidded across the hardwood floors until it disappeared into an air vent duct.

"Shit," I gasped and scrambled off the floor, darting across the room to the air vent. I reached for the cover only to find it bolted to the floor.

"No," I moaned, prying at the vent

I didn't want to let go yet- not yet.

I pulled at the vent until my fingers turned red and sore. Pulling back, I rested my head on the floor. My eyes watered, and I didn't bother stopping them. The honking from the street below drowned out my cries.

I don't know what to do. Why am I always in this limbo?


"Camila, I know you awake- come out and eat. It's been two days," Bea hollered at me from the hallway.

   Yes, two days- I've stayed in this room for two days, hardly eating or sleeping. I sound insane, but what do you do when the woman you thought you could trust with your life cheats on you with a man? It hurts, especially after Shawn. Heartbreak never gets easier.

  "It'll be in the microwave," Bea yells, and I hear her footsteps recede.

I know I'm being a bad guest, horrible. I can't get myself to care in the moment. Bea will forgive me.

  I turn in the bed and lay there watching the cats pass by. They seem all in a rush to get somewhere, places more important there than here.  

I sighed and decided to rejoin the world today. Slipping out from the covers, I went down the hallway and into the kitchen.

"Mornin'," Bea smiled

"Yep, It's a morning," I yawned

"How're you sleep"

"The same- terrible, " I groaned and grabbed the plate of eggs before going back to the other side of the island to sit and eat.

"You really do talk," Bea asked, sitting back while sipping her coffee

"When," I asked in between bites


I sighed and sat up a little more.

"There's nothing really to talk about- Taylor cheated on me, and she was caught- you don't see her here trying to talk to me."

"Maybe you should hear her out," bea situated

"I did, and it was bullshit."

Bea dropped the conversation, knowing it was going nowhere.  And I nodded. At the moment my phone rang for the millionth time that morning, but I kept decking the calls. I didn't want to deal with anyone.
   Glancing down at the phone, I notice it's tree calling- she never calls me. I click the side of my screen and decline the call. There's no reason she needs to be calling me.

  Seconds later, she calls again.

"Ugh," I groan and accept the call.

"Hi," I say awkwardly, unsure how this will go.

"Have you talked to Taylor recently?" she asks. She sounds a little desperate.

I glance at Bea, who's cleaning up her dishes.

"Uh, no. Why?" I say

I hear Tree take a deep breath on the phone.

"She missed her interview on 'The Late Late Show' last night, and she's not picking up my calls. I'm about to swing by her place, but I figured I'd give you a ring," Tree rambled out

Did Taylor miss the interview? She never does that- like ever.

"Tree, what do you mean?" I say this is not normal

Bea stops what she's doing and glances at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Camila Taylor's missing"

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