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Who do I want to be?

What kind of person?

What did I want to do with my life?

What can I do with my life?

I lay here on the bathroom tile, the coldness stinging my cheek that's pressed onto the floor. My eyes are now dry, having cried every last drop. I had no more to give, not tonight anyway.

It has had to be hours since I stepped foot into this bathroom. The banging didn't last long and I was left to my thoughts.

Maybe Taylor had the best interest in mind.

But I don't want to talk to someone who I don't even know and who doesn't know me or could care less, they just want to make money and make it seem like I'm better.

It's a waste of time.

Then what do I do?

Taylor might be right but I'm not ready to admit that, I don't know if I'll ever be okay with talking to a stranger.

My stomach growls, demanding for food.

I don't wanna move, I don't want to eat. I want to bed rot all day.

I push my body off the floor and my muscles groan. That's what I get for laying here for hours not moving.

I take in my appearance and try not to cringe, quickly undoing my ponytail I run a brush through the tangles. I leave it down and splash my face with cold water. I needed something to clear these puffy eyes. My blotched face.

I unlocked the door and made my way into the room, not needing anything other than food at the moment I went to the bedroom door and opened it only to fall flat on my face. Pushing up slightly I looked behind me to see Taylor curled up on the floor with a pillow and a blanket, sleeping.

What the fuck

Did she sleep out here?

For how long was she planning on staying in the hallway, let alone on the floor?

Would she have stayed until morning??

Guilt washed over my body and I wanted to be sick.

She was waiting for me, she might care.

I pushed down the bile that wanted to come up.

"Taylor" I spoke out

Yet she didn't move, her chest rising and falling.

"Taylor get up " I spoke a little louder.

I was slightly annoyed but I knew she meant well, especially now.

Pushing myself further up off the floor I attempted to get her off the floor but there was no way I could physically carry her, I couldn't carry myself.

I placed my hand on her shoulder and gently shook until I got a groan from her.

"Let's get you in bed" I whispered

I coaxed her up and she wrapped her arms around my shoulders. She was more asleep than awake. Pulling her into the guest bedroom I half carried her to the bed and pulled the comforter back before helping her in. Pulling the blanket over her she was snoring.

Standing there for a moment I was hard not to admire her. Hee features. The way her curls splayed across the pillow and her face was not so concentrated. Taking a step back I feel my shirt move and I look down to see Taylor has a death grip on it.

"Tay let go," I say trying to pry her hand off

She shifts and groans

"No sleep," she says and grabs my wrist.

My heart hammers in my chest, it wouldn't be the first time I've slept in the same bed as her, yet this time feel different.

I sigh and grip her fingers while holding my shirt and yank them apart. Her eyes fly open.

"Cami sleep " she yawns and grabs my waste pulling me closer to the bed.

Hee's eyes fall back shut and I stifle a laugh. She is adorable when she's tired.

Pushing away all the negative thoughts that scream at me I get her to lazily move over in the bed and I climb in, the warmth and softness of the bed are so welcoming I realize how tired I am.

Taylor's arms snake around my waist and she pulls me toward her body. She's asleep I remind myself. She's asleep.

"Night night baby c" she slurs

I'm fucked

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