Greedy ones doesn't flinch
Like a disease..
It breaks through thin walls
He's soul is infested ,
By many worldly thoughts!Greedy ones don't die easy
They worship their money
They think they're godly
But sadly no.. those are temporary
Once it's gone , so is your so called friends!Greedy ones don't come in handy
A pocket full of plastic fortunes
Don't last with you when you're buried
But a kind heart even with a penny ,
Is remembered dearly by all who knows them!Greedy ones may shine with golds
But never the smell of rotten souls
Wealth and all of those pleasures
Even with the showers of best perfumes ,
The stench won't fade that easy!Greedy ones won't make the light
Darkness engulfed within their nasty sides
Make someone suffer for their convenience
Doesn't matter who they'll hurt ,
What's important is their gain!Greedy ones doesn't know a friend
Their friend is their money right?
Not the blood nor the bond they shared
Only facade showings of evil thoughts ,
That lies behind their angelic faces!Greedy ones don't die easy
But wait till you're 7 feet on the ground
You're doom will be the worst you'll see!~ nniiwwpoetry ~ 07/10/24
thousand words (random poetries!)
Poetryout of sights , out of emotions.. onto life , onto people.. piece of randoms , written freeverse ; - poems that speaks volumes!..