Once upon a time ,
There lived an ordinary girl
Born by both impoverished parents ,
Her childhood was fun but difficult
One of the ten siblings ,
Quite lovely but reality sucks
Growing up ,
She has to worked at an early age
Life in the mountain was lovely ,
Though.. deprived of many things
Her father was a farmer ,
Her mother was a plain housewife
With a small piece of lot ,
But was pawned due to unforeseen stuffs
So just like her siblings ,
They learned to be independent
They learned how to survived.
After high school ,
She didn't go to college to worked instead
She's a fighter ,
Went to a faraway city all by herself
To try her luck ,
But life wasn't that kind to her
She experienced it firsthand ,
Just because you're earnest...
Doesn't mean everything goes right!
She experienced hardships ,
She experienced the unfairness of life
Worked a lot of jobs ,
Even worked as a maidservant
Putting up with the struggles and loneliness ,
Just to have money to send to her family back there
Well.. she was brave ,
She persevered
Life molded her to be strong
She may lack the education ,
But her experiences are her weapon
Then after years of saving up ,
While helping her family and such
She found a good man ,
Got married and have kids of their own
The struggles continued ,
But now she's not alone anymore
Her husband is fine ,
He's quite dependable
She chose the right one , I guess!
Then through blood , sweat and tears
Their life slowly improved
They may not that rich ,
But they're doing fine on their own
The adversities are inevitable ,
But they survived the hurdles
They raised their kids well ,
Got the education they didn't have
But looking at her face ,
There's sadness that looms
Her eyes looked tired ,
But she didn't have any regrets at all
It was life well spent ,
Even when life itself is against her
Sometimes when I see her ,
She looked a bit sentimental
But what she didn't know ,
Her greatest feat ,
Is more than any degree can compare!
She may not be perfect ,
But she's a wonderwoman to them
She's one of the greatest person I know ,
In fact.. she's my role model too
Her legacy will lives on ,
To her kids that she adored
She inspires them ,
She gave them life
She loves them eternal ,
She is the best...
" Her " story it is!~ nniiwwpoetry ~ 12/10/23
thousand words (random poetries!)
Poetryout of sights , out of emotions.. onto life , onto people.. piece of randoms , written freeverse ; - poems that speaks volumes!..