Chapter 7

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Sakuya's P. O. V:

The sun shines brightly down on us this morning as my teammates and I train hard. We've mostly been training this past week but have done a few D Ranked missions such as walking dogs, helping an elderly woman to do the shopping and babysitting the Counsellor's three year old boy.

I had fun with that last one and got along really well with the kid, who especially liked my singing. I don't think Ren or Kyo had as much fun with him, though.

Our latest mission was helping to fix a gardening shed, which I wasn't very good at but it was still kinda fun.

I could just picture a certain Uzumaki complaining about these D Ranked missions.

In this past week, we got to meet Hotaru's husband and daughter. She's only 6/7 years old. Her name is Miho and she looks just like her mother. Hotaru's husband teaches another Genin team we haven't met them yet.

He's an excellent Lightning and Fire Style user.

I stand just behind my two teammates in our training field, which is spacious with a few large boulders and a large stream. Hotaru had chosen this place for Water Jutsu training especially. Homura stands next to me at the ready.

Hotaru stands before us with a hand on her hip as she studies us

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Hotaru stands before us with a hand on her hip as she studies us. We'd finished finished two hours of sparring to warm up.

Earlier in the week, Ren, Kyo and I were taught chakra control training, such as by climbing trees with no hands and walking on water. I already knew how to do both of those thanks to my training with Kakashi in the past six years, which shocked everyone.

So I'd given Kyo and Ren tips on how to master the tree climbing and walking on water practices. They'd both mastered the tree climbing exercise in about three days but were still struggling a little with the walking on water exercise. Kyo was making much more progress than Ren, though.

Hotaru had then tried to teach me the Summoning Jutsu but was again put down when I told her I'd already made a contract with my clan's summoning animal, which isn't really an animal, though you'll find out what that means later, I'm sure.

I'd made a contract with a bunch of wild cats during that session, though. They range from tigers to panthers, leopards, lions and so forth.

She then had me work on my Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Kenjutsu and Medical Ninjutsu skills the past week.

I haven't seen Naruto-kun, Kiba-kun or Hinata or any of my friends that much since we passed the test because of being on separate teams, training and missions. But I'd heard Team Seven had passed their test after nearly failing.

Kakashi had read his book of porn while doing the Bell Test, which I'd chided him for because he was reading it in front of Genin.

He'd told me that Naruto and Sasuke would try to fight each other (Naruto would often start it) and Sakura would intervene, but only to protect her Sasuke because she hates Naruto. And it's because Naruto has a stupid crush on a girl who hates every fibre of his being that he wouldn't hurt her to get to Sasuke.

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