Chapter 91

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I know we haven't even finished this book yet (though we're getting close) but do you guys want me to write a Sasuke or Gaara love story next? Or even a Stuck in Naruto, Kiba love story?

If enough readers want it, I might do a Sasuke love story.

Sakuya's P. O. V:

I stand in front of Tsunade's desk in my work attire with Homura a few mornings later as I ask, "You have a mission for me?"

She responds, "Well, for you and your partner. Let's wait for him a little bit."

I blink my eyes until the door opens. "Good morning, Tsunade-sama! Oh, Sakuya, you're here too."

I turn to see Kakashi. "Hi, Kashi-kun. You're my teammate for this mission?"

Tsunade confirms as he stands beside me, "He sure is. Your mission is to deliver some classified documents to Sunagakure."

I light up at this as I squeal happily, clasping my hands together, "I get to see Gaara-kun again!!" Tsunade and Kakashi stare at me, my Guardian giving me a raised eyebrow. I chuckle sheepishly. "Sorry. I got a bit excited."

"Right," Mutters Kakashi.

"Anyway, deliver these scrolls to Baki. In turn he'll deliver them to the council as the Hidden Sand doesn't yet have a new Kazekage," Tsunade continues as I step forward and take the two scrolls.

I nod as I skip them into my weapons pouch and say seriously, "Understood."

"You leave in half an hour," Tsunade tells us. "Dismissed."

Kakashi and I go home to prepare our bags before we leap through the trees to Sunagakure.


I couldn't stop smiling as I run along the ground and Kakashi leaps through the trees, using my Earth Release Sensing Jutsu to feel for any enemies.

"Are you exited?" Kakashi's voice floats from the branches, making me blink my eyes a few times.


"Are you excited about seeing Gaara again?" Kakashi asks.

"Of course I am!" I respond. "I feel like it's been ages since I last saw him. I wonder how he's doing. And Kankuro and Temari, of course!"

I hear Kakashi chuckle.

Only two more days till we reach Sunagakure, then I'll get to see Gaara-kun again!

When the sun sets, Kakashi and I find a small clearing to make camp in and he sets up a fire with Homura's help. I then cook us dinner and give Homura a slab of steak.

We eat dinner in content silence and stay up for an hour or two, both of us reading. Kakashi offers first sentry watch while I tuck into my pink sleeping bag, Homura curled beside me.

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