Chapter 13

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Sakuya's P. O. V:

"Aw, man, I thought I was gonna die," Moans Ren as we near the gates of the Hidden Leaf Village, an exhausted expression on his features.

My Benizakura katana now sheathed and Homura walking beside me, I huff indignantly, "That's what you get for stealing my chocolate."

"I said I'm sorry, okay?" Ren says in exasperation, glancing at me, slumping his shoulders in defeat. "What more do I have to do?!"

"I don't know. Buy me more chocolate to replace the one you stole?"

"Say, whaaa?!"

Ren was gaping at me when a voice catches our attention.

"Hey! Sakuya-chan! You guys are back!" Naruto exclaims, waving at us. I grin at him as we go up to Team 7.

"Sure are!"

Kakashi asks Hotaru curiously as she stands in front of him, "So, how did your first C Rank mission go?"

The purple eyed kunoichi responds, "A success. I think we made friends with some Mist ninja when we helped them defeat the pirates."

"What?!" Sakura exclaims, her eyes hugging in their sockets.

"Pirates?" Ask Sasuke and Naruto in unison.

Ren nods his head as he puts his hands on his hips, saying, "Yup! Pirates. The Red Mermaid Pirates, to be exact. It was totally awesome! Oh, yeah, their pirate captain tried to recruit Sakuya-chan and nearly died after refusing."

Kakashi stares at Hotaru in concern. She tells him, "I was able to heal her with my Medical Ninjutsu. I'll tell you all about it when we give our reports."

Kakashi appears relieved and we all gaze at him and Hotaru curiously as he says, gratefully, "Well, I'm glad you saved Sakuya. I don't know how her parents would've reacted. I knew she was in good hands when I learned you were going to be her Sensei."

Hotaru says with a blush, "What, did you have so little faith in me, Kashi, that you didn't think I'd be able to look after your ward?"

Kakashi chuckles sheepishly as he says, "Oh, no! Not at all! I just can't help but worry sometimes, you know."

"Oh, I know," Mutters Hotaru. They gaze at each other for a long moment while Sakura gazes at them with sparkles in her eyes and hands clasped together, while Naruto has a similar expression.

Both Jounin seem to feel like they're being stared at and whip their heads towards us. Sasuke and Kyo immediately hide their own curiosity.

Hotaru demands in a flustered tone, "Wh-What?! Why are guys staring at us?"

Sakura says, "You and Kakashi Sensei would make a beautiful couple!"

Hotaru starts and blushes further as she stutters, waving her hands back and forth, "I-It's nothing like that! Kashi-kun and I are just friends! Besides, I already have a husband and a daughter!"

Sakura looks disappointed as she glances to me for confirmation. I nod as I confirm, "It's true. We've met them." Ren nods as well.

"Oh. That's too bad," Sighs the green eyed girl.

Kakashi tells us, "Why don't you guys go on ahead and Hotaru and I will give our mission reports to the Hokage?"

I nod as I grab Naruto's arm and say, "Sure, Kashi-kun! Naruto-kun has to tell me all about his adventure to the Land of Waves!"

"Over a bowl of ramen!" Naruto inputs with a goofy grin.

"Over a bowl of ramen," I sigh as our teammates follow us, though I'm not a huge fan of the stuff.

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